Avoiding the Potential Negative Influence of CAD Tools on the Formation of Students’ Creativity. В книге: Proceedings of the 2007 AaeE Conference. Melbourne, Australia, 2007. December. UPL: http://www. 2.cs.mu.oz.au/aaee2007/papers/paper_40.pdf.
45. Graves. Architecture and the Lost Art of Drawing.
46. Juhani Pallasmaa. The Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in Architecture. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley, 2009. Р. 96–97.
47. Интервью Мида автору от 23 июля 2013 года.
48. Jacob Brillhart. Drawing towards a More Creative Architecture: Mediating between the Digital and the Analog, Статья была представлена на ежегодной конференции Ассоциации университетских кафедр архитектуры в Монреале 5 марта 2011 года.
49. Matthew B. Crawford. Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work. N.Y.: Penguin, 2009. Р. 164.
50. Там же. Р. 161.
51. John Dewey. Essays in Experimental Logic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1916. Р. 13–14.
52. Matthew D. Lieberman. The Mind-Body Illusion // Psychology Today, 2012. May 17. UPL: http://www. psychologytoday.com/blog/social-brain-social-mind/201205/the-mind-body-illusion. См. также: Matthew D. Lieberman. What Makes Big Ideas Sticky? / What’s Next? Dispatches on the Future of Science / Ed. Max Brockman. N. Y.: Vintage. 2009. Р. 90–103.
53. Andy Clark. Embodied Cognition (video). University of Edinburgh: Research in a Nutshell. UPL: http://www. undated, nutshell-videos.ed.ac.uk/andy-clarkembodied-cognition.
54. Tim Gollisch and Markus Meister. Eye Smarter than Scientists Believed: Neural Computations in Circuits of the Retina // Neuron 65, 2010. January 28. Р. 150–164.
55. См.: Vittorio Gallese and George Lakoff. The Brain’s Concepts: The Role of the Sensory-Motor System in Conceptual Knowledge // Cognitive Neuropsychology 22, 2005. № ¾. Р. 455–479; Lawrence W. Barsalou. Grounded Cognition // Annual Review of Psychology 59, 2008. Р. 617–645.
56. Andy Clark. Embodied Cognition.
57. Shaun Gallagher. How the Body Shapes the Mind. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2005. Р. 247.
58. Andy Clark. Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 2003. Р. 4.
59. Цитируется по книге: Fallows. Places You’ll Go.
Глава седьмая. Автоматизация для людей
1. Kevin Kelly. Better than Human: Why Robots Will – and Must – Take Our Jobs // Wired, 2013. January.
2. Jay Yarow. Human Driver Crashes Google’s Self Driving Car // Business Insider, 2011. August 5. UPL: http://www. businessinsider.com/googles-self-driving-carsget-in-their-first-accident-2011–8.