Браун взглянул на Хорнблауэра с благодарностью. |
"Time to turn in," said Hornblower, ignoring it, as the door was locked behind the sergeant. | - Время отбоя, - сказал Хорнблауэр, оставляя без внимания этот взгляд. |
"Let's make you comfortable, first, Bush." | - Сперва, Буш, устроим поудобнее вас. |
It was some obscure self-conscious motive which made Hornblower select from his valise the embroidered nightshirt over which Maria's busy fingers had laboured lovingly - the nightshirt which he had brought with him from England for use should it happen that he should dine and sleep at a Governor's or on board the flagship. | Из какой-то непонятной гордости Хорнблауэр отыскал в саквояже вышитую ночную рубашку, над которой любовно потрудились заботливые Мариины пальцы. Он взял ее из Англии на случай, если придется ночевать у губернатора или у адмирала. |
All the years he had been a captain he had never shared a room with anyone save Maria, and it was a novel experience for him to prepare for bed in sight of Bush and Brown, and he was ridiculously self-conscious about it, regardless of the fact that Bush, white and exhausted, was already lying back on his pillow with drooping eyelids, while Brown modestly stripped off his trousers with downcast eyes, wrapped himself in the cloak which Hornblower insisted on his using, and curled himself up on his palliasse without a glance at his superior. | За всю бытность свою капитаном он ни с кем кроме Марии, комнаты не делил, и теперь стыдился готовиться ко сну на глазах у Брауна и Буша, он до смешного стеснялся их, хотя Буш уже откинулся на подушку и закрыл глаза, а Браун, скромно потупившись, скинул штаны, завернулся в плащ, который Хорнблауэр всучил ему чуть не насильно, и свернулся на тюфяке, ни разу на капитана не взглянув. |
Hornblower got into bed. | Хорнблауэр залез в постель. |
"Ready?" he asked, and blew out the candle; the fire had died down to embers which gave only the faintest red glow in the room. | - Все? - спросил он и задул свечу; дрова в камине прогорели, красные уголья слабо озаряли комнату. |
It was the beginning of one of those wakeful nights which Hornblower had grown by now able to recognize in advance. | Начиналась бессонная ночь, чье приближение Хорнблауэр научился угадывать заранее. |
The moment he blew out the candle and settled his head on the pillow he knew he would not be able to sleep until just before dawn. | Задув свечу и опустив голову на подушку, он уже знал, что не заснет почти до зари. |
In his ship he would have gone up on deck or walked his stern gallery; here he could only lie grimly immobile. |