Под стягом победным (Форестер) - страница 65

He would have liked to refuse, but that would have been too obvious a confession of weakness in front of a subordinate.Он хотел отказаться, но это значило бы обнаружить слабость перед подчиненным.
"When I've washed my hands," he said loftily.- Когда вымою руки, - сказал он величаво.
It was easier to eat than he had expected, when he sat down to force himself.Он заставил себя сесть, а дальше пошло легче, чем он предполагал.
He managed to choke down enough mouthfuls to make it appear as if he had eaten well, and with the passage of the minutes the memory of the revolting task on which he had been engaged became rapidly less clear.Правда, куски застревали в горле, но он кое-как создал видимость, что поужинал плотно. С каждой минутой воспоминания о сделанном теряли остроту.
Bush displayed none of the appetite nor any of the cheerfulness which had been noticeable last night; that was the obvious result of his fever.Буш сильно сдал со вчерашнего вечера - он был вял и есть не хотел, явно из-за лихорадки.
But with free drainage to his wound it could be hoped that he would soon recover.Но теперь, когда рана дренируется открыто, можно надеяться на скорое выздоровление.
Hornblower was tired now, as a result of his sleepless night the night before, and his emotions had been jarred into a muddle by what he had had to do; it was easier to sleep to-night, waking only at intervals to listen to Bush's breathing, and to sleep again reassured by the steadiness and tranquillity of the sound.Хорнблауэр устал, и после бессонной ночи мысли его были в полном беспорядке; на этот раз заснуть было легче. Временами он просыпался, слушал, как дышит Буш, и вновь засыпал, успокоенный ровным, спокойным звуком.
After that day the details of the journey became more blurred and indistinct - up to that day they had had all the unnatural sharpness of a landscape just before rain.Дальше детали путешествия стали менее отчетливыми и мешались в голове - до того дня, когда окружающая местность приобрела неестественную предгрозовую четкость.
Looking back at the journey, what was easiest to remember was Bush's convalescence - his steady progress back to health from the moment that the ligature was withdrawn from his wound.Оглядываясь на предыдущие дни, легче всего было вспомнить, что Буш выздоравливал. С той ночи, когда из раны вынули лигатуру, он уверенно шел на поправку.
His strength began to come back fast, so that it would have been astonishing to anyone who did not know of his iron constitution and of the Spartan life he had always led.