Под стягом победным (Форестер) - страница 70

И все же перемена погоды его раззадорила.
He laughed and chatted with the others as he had not done since they had left Beziers.Он смеялся и болтал, чего не было с ним после Безьера.
The coach crawled on through the darkness with the wind shrieking overhead.Карета ползла во тьме, ветер ревел.
Already the windows on one side were opaque with the snow which was plastered upon them - there was not warmth enough within the coach to melt it.На окна налип мокрый снег и не таял - слишком холодно было внутри.
More than once the coach halted, and Hornblower, putting his head out, saw that they were having to clear the horses' hoofs of the snow balled into ice under their shoes.Не раз и не два карета останавливалась, и Хорнблауэр, высунувшись наружу, видел, как кучер и жандарм очищают конские копыта от смерзшегося снега.
"If we're more than two miles from the next post house," he announced, sitting back again, "we won't reach it until next week."- Если до ближайшей почтовой станции больше двух миль, - объявил он, опускаясь на сиденье, -мы доберемся до нее через неделю.
Now they must have topped a small rise, for the horses were moving quicker, almost trotting, with the coach swaying and lurching over the inequalities of the road.Теперь они, похоже, въехали на горку, лошади пошли быстрее, почти побежали, карету мотало из стороны в сторону.
Suddenly from outside they heard an explosion of shouts and yells.Вдруг снаружи донеслись яростные крики:
"He, h?, h?!"-Эй! Стой! Тпру!
The coach swung round without warning, lurching frightfully, and came to a halt leaning perilously over to one side. Hornblower sprang to the window and looked out.Карета развернулась и встала, опасно наклонясь на бок Хорнблауэр бросился к окну и выглянул.
The coach was poised perilously on the bank of a river; Hornblower could see the black water sliding along almost under his nose.Карета остановилась на самом берегу реки: прямо под колесами струилась черная вода.
Two yards away a small rowing boat, moored to a post, swayed about under the influence of wind and stream.В двух ярдах от Хорнблауэра моталась привязанная к колышку лодка.
Otherwise there was nothing to be seen in the blackness.Другой берег терялся в темноте.
Some of the gendarmes had run to the coach horses' heads; the animals were plunging and rearing in their fright at the sudden apparition of the river before them.Жандарм бежал к лошадям, чтобы взять их под уздцы; они пятились и фыркали, напуганные близостью воды.
Somehow in the darkness the coach must have got off the road and gone down some side track leading to the river here; the coachman had reined his horses round only a fraction of a second before disaster threatened.