Всадник без головы (Рид) - страница 73

После этого монолога в хижине водворилась полная тишина.
There was like silence inside; for the countryman of Saint Patrick, no longer apprehensive on the score of reptile intruders, had fallen asleep, almost on the moment of his sinking down upon his spread horse-skin.Земляк Святого Патрика, не боясь больше вторжения пресмыкающихся, моментально заснул, растянувшись на лошадиной шкуре.
For a while it seemed as if everybody was in the enjoyment of perfect repose, Tara and the captive steeds included.Некоторое время казалось, что все наслаждаются полным отдыхом, включая Тару и пойманных мустангов.
The only sound heard was that made by Zeb Stump's "maar," close by cropping the sweet grama grass.Тишину нарушала только старая кобыла Стумпа, которая все еще щипала сочную траву на пастбище.
Presently, however, it might have been perceived that the old hunter was himself stirring.Скоро, однако, обнаружилось, что старый охотник не спит.
Instead of lying still in the recumbent attitude to which he had consigned himself, he could be seen shifting from side to side, as if some feverish thought was keeping him awake.Он ворочался с боку на бок, как будто какая-то беспокойная мысль лишила его сна.
After repeating this movement some half-score of times, he at length raised himself into a sitting posture, and looked discontentedly around.Перевернувшись раз десять, Зеб сел и недовольно посмотрел вокруг.
"Dod-rot his ignorance and imperence-the Irish cuss!" were the words that came hissing through his teeth. "He's spoilt my night's rest, durn him! 'Twould sarve him 'bout right to drag him out, an giv him a duckin' in the crik.-- Черт бы побрал этого нахального ирландского дурня! -- процедил он сквозь зубы.-- Разогнал мне сон, проклятый! Надо бы его вытащить и швырнуть в речку, чтобы проучить.
Dog-goned ef I don't feel 'clined torst doin' it; only I don't like to displeeze the other Irish, who air a somebody.Руки так и чешутся! Я этого не сделаю только из уважения к его хозяину...
Possible I don't git a wink o' sleep till mornin'."Наверно, я так и не усну до утра.
Having delivered himself of this peevish soliloquy, the hunter once more drew the blanket around his body, and returned to the horizontal position.При этих словах охотник еще раз завернулся в одеяло и снова лег.
Not to sleep, however; as was testified by the tossing and fidgeting that followed-terminated by his again raising himself into a sitting posture. A soliloquy, very similar to his former one, once more proceeded from his lips; this time the threat of ducking Phelim in the creek being expressed with a more emphatic accent of determination. He appeared to be wavering, as to whether he should carry the design into execution, when an object coming under his eye gave a new turn to his thoughts.