Одиссея капитана Блада (Сабатини) - страница 64

Железные решетки мне не клетка, И каменные стены - не тюрьма...
But he gave it a fresh meaning, the very converse of that which its author had intended.Однако он придал этим словам новое значение, совсем противоположное тому, что имел в виду поэт.
A prison, he reflected, was a prison, though it had neither walls nor bars, however spacious it might be."Нет, - размышлял он. - Тюрьма остается тюрьмой, даже если она очень просторна и у нее нет стен и решеток".
And as he realized it that morning so he was to realize it increasingly as time sped on.Он с особой остротой понял это сегодня и почувствовал, что горькое сознание рабского положения с течением времени будет только все больше обостряться.
Daily he came to think more of his clipped wings, of his exclusion from the world, and less of the fortuitous liberty he enjoyed.Ежедневно он возвращался к мысли о своем изгнании из мира и все реже и реже к размышлениям о той случайной свободе, которой ему дали пользоваться.
Nor did the contrasting of his comparatively easy lot with that of his unfortunate fellow-convicts bring him the satisfaction a differently constituted mind might have derived from it.Сравнение относительно легкой его участи с участью несчастных товарищей по рабству не приносило ему того удовлетворения, которое мог бы ощущать другой человек.
Rather did the contemplation of their misery increase the bitterness that was gathering in his soul.Больше того, соприкосновение с их мучениями увеличивало ожесточение, копившееся в его душе.
Of the forty-two who had been landed with him from the Jamaica Merchant, Colonel Bishop had purchased no less than twenty-five.Из сорока двух осужденных повстанцев, привезенных одновременно с Бладом на "Ямайском купце", двадцать пять купил Бишоп.
The remainder had gone to lesser planters, some of them to Speightstown, and others still farther north.Остальные были проданы другим плантаторам - в Спейгстаун и еще дальше на север.
What may have been the lot of the latter he could not tell, but amongst Bishop's slaves Peter Blood came and went freely, sleeping in their quarters, and their lot he knew to be a brutalizing misery.Какова была их судьба, Блад не знал; с рабами же Бишопа он общался все время и видел ужасные их страдания.
They toiled in the sugar plantations from sunrise to sunset, and if their labours flagged, there were the whips of the overseer and his men to quicken them.С восхода до заката они трудились на сахарных плантациях, подгоняемые кнутами надсмотрщиков.
They went in rags, some almost naked; they dwelt in squalor, and they were ill-nourished on salted meat and maize dumplings - food which to many of them was for a season at least so nauseating that two of them sickened and died before Bishop remembered that their lives had a certain value in labour to him and yielded to Blood's intercessions for a better care of such as fell ill.