Ruthless (Keane) - страница 222

‘Yes, I think that about covers it,’ he said, and stood up too. ‘And Mrs Carter…?’


‘Your stepson. Alberto Barolli.’

‘Yeah, what about him?’

‘No idea where he is right now, I suppose?’

‘None whatsoever,’ said Annie.

Hunter gave her a sceptical look. ‘That’s exactly what I thought you’d say. Well… try to keep out of trouble in future. If you can.’


Tony drove her to the Palermo, where Dolly was downstairs checking the bar takings.

‘Hiya, sweetheart,’ she said, greeting Annie with a distracted smile.

‘How’s tricks?’ asked Annie, hauling herself on to a bar stool.

‘All fine. You?’

‘Great. I’m officially returning your driver and your car.’

‘Oh?’ Dolly’s blue eyes were shrewd on Annie’s face. ‘You sorted out your bother then?’

‘Think so.’

‘Max still here?’

‘He is.’


‘Shouldn’t think so.’

‘If you asked him to stay, I bet he would.’

‘Well, I’m not asking. He’s got his life, I’ve got mine.’

‘Yeah, but you ain’t got much of a life, have you?’


‘Meaning all you ever do is spend money and do lunch.’

‘Maybe I’ll open another club. Another Annie’s. Here in London.’

‘Well, if you need a manager -’ Dolly winked – ‘call me. OK?’

Leaving Tone and the company Jag to Dolly, Annie took a cab on to the Shalimar to see Ellie.

‘Hey!’ said Ellie, hurrying forward to give her a hug. ‘How are you?’

‘I’m fine,’ said Annie, as Ellie ushered her into the kitchen. They sat down at the table.

‘And Layla? I sort of miss having her about the place.’

‘She’s fine too.’

Ellie’s smile faded away. ‘Terrible business about Precious, wasn’t it? Poor girl. It’s the funeral on Friday.’

‘Ellie, I want you to fire Junior’s arse.’

Ellie looked taken aback, then she shrugged. ‘If you say so. He hasn’t shown up for days and I don’t think he’s going to, so it’s a bit of a moot point.’ Ellie stared at her old mate’s face. ‘You don’t think he was involved in what happened to Precious, do you?’

‘Up to his neck. So if he shows his face…’

‘Consider it done.’

Maybe Max had already seen to this. Kath and Junior and Molls would no longer be welcome in this town. She’d tried her best for them, but look how she’d been repaid.

‘The police called, said the bloke who’d done it had been found.’

‘Yeah, shot dead,’ said Annie. ‘Seems he’d upset someone else, and they got to him.’

‘Is that so?’ Ellie’s eyes were like saucers in her plump, pretty face. ‘Well, good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.’

‘The other girls OK? This must have been a horrible shock for them. Layla told me to ask after Destiny and China.’

‘China’s cleared out.’

‘What, gone?’