Merciless (Армстронг) - страница 34

“Dick Anderson is seventy. Been a long time since he’s been on the back of a bull. Plus, rumor is… the reason Alice wants to call it quits after forty-five years? Dick ain’t performing his husbandly duties anymore.”

“Who’d you hear that from?”

“Lila, at the diner. And apparently, Dick ain’t the type who believes in Viagra.” He pinned me to the mattress, rubbing his third erection of the night against my belly. “So maybe you oughta put this on the plus side of staying with me for the long haul.”

“Cocky man.”

“And I’ll prove it.”

• • •

Sophie lured us out of bed early the next morning with the scent of bacon, eggs, and fried potatoes.

I noticed she’d folded up my robe and set it on the kitchen table, but she didn’t tease-a rarity for her.

“You’re here early,” I said.

“Couldn’t sleep. Pain in my hip kept me awake.”

Wasn’t like Sophie to complain. “Maybe you should have the doctor check you out the next time you take Penny in.”

She gave me a considering look. “You worried, hey?”

“Yes, because you haven’t been your bossy self lately. I wondered if it’s too much, splitting time between here and Hope’s place.”

“You askin’ if I’m getting a little long in the tooth to be doin’ my job?” she asked sharply.

“No. And you don’t need to snap at me for caring about you, Sophie.”

She made that sound between a sigh and a harrumph. “Sorry, takoja. I’ve got a lot on my mind, with Penny’s cancer and all.”

Penny was Sophie’s last living daughter. All of her Red Leaf kids had passed on, and her son Devlin Pretty Horses was the only remaining male child. “Anything I can do?”

“Nothin’ no one can do.” She offered a tremulous smile through the sheen of tears. “Workin’ takes my mind off it.”

“We’ll be able to oblige you on that, because Mason’s son Lex is coming to stay with us for a while.”

“Really? When?”

“Soon, I think.”

“Oh, the sheriff’s gotta be happy about that.” Her sharp brown gaze locked onto mine. “But are you happy?”

I don’t know. “Yeah, I am.”

“That don’t sound convincing, Mercy.”

“I just… don’t want him to get hurt. He has wanted a chance to really be Lex’s father for longer than he’s willing to admit. I hope this kid isn’t the type to take advantage of him.”

Sophie patted my arm. “Me, too. Now how about if we get you fed, eh?”

Dawson’s arms came around my waist, and he squeezed me. When he left a sweet, lingering kiss on my temple, I knew he’d heard the entire exchange.

“Mornin’, Miz Red Leaf,” he said. “That smells awesome.”

“It is. Sit down, both of you, and I’ll dish up.”

“Why don’t you sit down, Sophie. Get some of your questions about Lex living here out of the way while I dish up.”