Инновационная концепция модернизации теории и практики физического воспитания (Столяров) - страница 568

1917. Nikolaou Lambis W. (1986). The Olympic Spirit in Ancient Greece and in Modern Society // IOA. Report of the 25th Session. – Lausanne. – Р. 45–49.

1918. O’Neill J. (1985). Five Bodies: The Human Shape of Modern Society. – NY: Cornell University Press.

1919. Oblicza sportu. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Z. Krawczyka. – Warszawa, 1990. – 135 p.

1920. Oittinen Anu (1997). Sport, sustainable development & environmental ethics // Nardis P., A. Mussino Antonio and N.Porro (Eds.). Sport: Social Problems, Social Movements. Contributions to the 12th Int. Seminar 19–22 July, 1995, Rome. – Roma. – Р. 131–136.

1921. Orlick T. (1980). In pursuit of excellence. – Ottawa: Coaching Association of Canada.

1922. Orlick T. (1981a). Cooperative play socialization among preschool children // Journal of Individual Psychology. – vol. 37 (1). – P. 54–67.

1923. Orlick T. (1981b). Positive socialization via cooperative games // Developmental Psychology. – vol. 17 (4). – P. 426–429.

1924. Orlick T. (1983). Enhancing love and life mostly through play and games // Journal of Humanistic Education and Development. – vol. 21, N. 4. – P. 153–164.

1925. Orlick T., Foley C. (1979). Pre-school co-operative games: A preliminary perspective // M. Melnick (Ed.). Sport sociology: Contemporary themes (2nd). – Dubuque: Kendall-Hunt. – P. 266–272.

1926. Orlick Terry (1978b). Winning Through Co-operation. – Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Books.

1927. Orlick Terry (1978а). The Cooperative Sports & Games Book. Challenge Without Competition. – New York: Pantheon Books. – 129 c.

1928. Orlick Terry (1982). The Second Co-operative Sports and Games Book. – New York: Pantheon Books.

1929. Osterhoudt R. (1978). An Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Education and Sport. – Champaign (III.): Stipes publishing Co. – 260 р.

1930. Paciorek M.J., Jones J.A. (1994). Sports and Recreation for the Disabled: A Resource Manual, 2nd ed. – Indianapolis. – 186 р.

1931. Pahczyk Wladystaw (2005). School physical education and the perspectives of physical activity in the consumer society // Sport, Culture and Society. In Honour of Prof. Zbigniew Krawczyk / Ed. by J. Kosiewicz. – Warsaw. – Р. 371–379.

1932. Paleologos Cleanthis (1977). The Olympic Idea in the Antiquity and Today // Report of 16th Session of the IOA. – Athens. – Р. 41–48.

1933. Paleologos Cleanthis (1978). The Ideological Foundation of the Ancient Games // Report of the 17th Session of the IOA. – Athens. – Р. 44–53.

1934. Paleologos Cleanthis (1985). Heracles, the Ideal Olympic Personality // IOA. Report of the twenty-second Session. – Lausanne. – Р. 52–56.