Дом о семи шпилях (Готорн) - страница 104

В середине сада находилась лужайка с небольшим полуразвалившимся строением, в котором, однако, еще можно было узнать беседку.
A hop-vine, springing from last year's root, was beginning to clamber over it, but would be long in covering the roof with its green mantle.Хмель, выросший из прошлогоднего корня, постепенно взбирался по ней вверх.
Three of the seven gables either fronted or looked sideways, with a dark solemnity of aspect, down into the garden.Три из семи шпилей дома смотрели в сад с мрачной величавостью.
The black rich soil had fed itself with the decay of a long period of time; such as fallen leaves, the petals of flowers, and the stalks and seed-vessels of vagrant and lawless plants, more useful after their death than ever while flaunting in the sun. The evil of these departed years would naturally have sprung up again, in such rank weeds (symbolic of the transmitted vices of society) as are always prone to root themselves about human dwellings.Чернозем был богат перегноем из осыпавшихся листьев, лепестков цветов и стеблей диких растений.
Phoebe saw, however, that their growth must have been checked by a degree of careful labor, bestowed daily and systematically on the garden.Почти везде рос бурьян, но Фиби заметила в саду следы неустанного труда.
The white double rose-bush had evidently been propped up anew against the house, since the commencement of the season; and a pear tree and three damson trees, which, except a row of currant bushes, constituted the only varieties of fruit, bore marks of the recent amputation of several superfluous or defective limbs.Кустарник с белыми розами, очевидно, был обставлен подпорками в начале весны, а у груши и трех дамасских слив, которые были единственными плодоносными деревьями в саду, недавно подрезали ветви.
There were also a few species of antique and hereditary flowers in no very flourishing condition, but scrupulously weeded; as if some person, either out of love or curiosity, had been anxious to bring them to such perfection as they were capable of attaining.Было здесь также несколько сортов старинных цветов, не слишком хорошо разросшихся, но старательно ополотых вокруг.
The remainder of the garden presented a well-selected assortment of esculent vegetables, in a praiseworthy state of advancement. Summer squashes, almost in their golden blossom; cucumbers, now evincing a tendency to spread away from the main stock, and ramble far and wide; two or three rows of stringbeans, and as many more that were about to festoon themselves on poles; tomatoes, occupying a site so sheltered and sunny, that the plants were already gigantic, and promised an early and abundant harvest.