Дом о семи шпилях (Готорн) - страница 143

Was it, therefore, no momentary mood, but, however, skilfully concealed, the settled temper of his life? And not merely so, but was it hereditary in him, and transmitted down as a precious heirloom, from that bearded ancestor, in whose picture both the expression, and, to a singular degree, the features, of the modern judge were shown as by a kind of prophecy? A deeper philosopher than Phoebe might have found something very terrible in this idea. It implied that the weaknesses and defects, the bad passions, the mean tendencies, and the moral diseases, which lead to crime, are handed down from one generation to another, by a far surer process of transmission than human law has been able to establish, in respect to the riches and honors which it seeks to entail upon posterity.Следовательно, это было не минутное расположение души, но истинный, только искусно скрываемый, характер?
But as it happened, scarcely had Phoebe's eyes rested again on the judge's countenance, than all its ugly sternness vanished, and she found herself quite overpowered by the sultry, dogday heat, as it were, of benevolence, which this excellent man diffused out of his great heart into the surrounding atmosphere; very much like a serpent, which, as a preliminary to fascination, is said to fill the air with his peculiar odour.Но едва глаза Фиби успели остановиться на лице судьи, как вся его неприятная суровость исчезла, и она снова почувствовала всю силу его знойной, как летние дни, благосклонности.
"I like that, Cousin Phoebe!" cried he, with an emphatic nod of approbation.- Прекрасно, кузина Фиби! - воскликнул он с выразительным жестом одобрения.
"I like it much, my little cousin!- Превосходно, моя маленькая кузина!
You are a good child, and know how to take care of yourself.Вы доброе дитя и умеете о себе заботиться.
A young girl-especially if she be a very pretty one-can never be too chary of her lips."Молодая девица - особенно если она так хороша собой - должна быть очень скупа на поцелуи.
"Indeed, sir," said Phoebe, trying to laugh the matter off, "I did not mean to be unkind."- Право, сэр, - сказала Фиби, стараясь обратить все в шутку, - я не хотела показаться вам суровой.
Nevertheless, whether or no it were entirely owing to the inauspicious commencement of their acquaintance, she still acted under a certain reserve, which was by no means customary to her frank and genial nature.Впрочем, потому ли, что их знакомство началось так неудачно, или по какой-то другой причине, но она все-таки держалась с судьей довольно осторожно, что вовсе не было свойственно ее открытой натуре.