Дом о семи шпилях (Готорн) - страница 147

The ancestor had clothed himself in a grim assumption of kindliness, a rough heartiness of word and manner, which most people took to be the genuine warmth of nature, making its way through the thick and inflexible hide of a manly character.Грубую доброту в обращении, которую предок сделал своей привычкой, большинство людей считали признаком врожденного добросердечия, пробивавшимся сквозь плотную оболочку мужественного характера.
His descendant, in compliance with the requirements of a nicer age, had etherealized this rude benevolence into that broad benignity of smile, wherewith he shone like a noonday sun along the streets, or glowed like a household fire in the drawing-rooms of his private acquaintance.Потомок, сообразно с требованиями более утонченного века, преобразовал эту грубую доброту в великолепную благосклонную улыбку.
The Puritan-if not belied by some singular stories, murmured, even at this day, under the narrator's breath-had fallen into certain transgressions to which men of his great animal development, whatever their faith or principles, must continue liable, until they put off impurity, along with the gross earthly substance that involves it. We must not stain our page with any contemporary scandal, to a similar purport, that may have been whispered against the judge.Пуританин - если верить старинным историям -поддавался некоторым нежным увлечениям. В отношении к судье мы не должны пятнать своих страниц подобными толками, которые, пожалуй, и без того можно услышать.
The Puritan, again, an autocrat in his own household, had worn out three wives, and, merely by the remorseless weight and hardness of his character in the conjugal relation, had sent them, one after another, brokenhearted to their graves.Пуританин был женат трижды и равнодушной жесткостью своего тяжелого характера свел всех трех жен в могилу.
Here, the parallel in some sort fails.Здесь, впрочем, параллель между предком и потомком некоторым образом нарушается.
The judge had wedded but a single wife, and lost her in the third or fourth year of their marriage.Судья был женат на одной только женщине и потерял ее на третьем или четвертом году брака.
There was a fable, however-for such we choose to consider it, though, not impossibly, typical of Judge Pyncheon's marital deportment-that the lady got her death-blow in the honeymoon, and never smiled again, because her husband compelled her to serve him with coffee every morning at his bedside, in token of fealty to her liege-lord and master.