Виннипегский волк (Сетон-Томпсон) - страница 21

Three times they tried and suffered.Трижды собаки нападали на него - и трижды были отражены.
Their boldest were lying about him.Смелейшие из бойцов валялись уже вокруг.
The first to go down was the Bulldog.Первым погиб бульдог.
Learning wisdom now, the Dogs held back, less sure; but his square-built chest showed never a sign of weakness yet, and after waiting impatiently he advanced a few steps, and thus, alas! gave to the gunners their long-expected chance.Умудренные опытом, собаки теперь отступили, оробев, а волк еще не выказывал никаких признаков усталости. После минутного нетерпеливого ожидания он ступил на несколько шагов вперед - увы, предоставив стрелкам долгожданный удобный случай!
Three rifles rang, and in the snow Garou went down at last, his life of combat done. He had made his choice. His days were short and crammed with quick events. His tale of many peaceful years was spent in three of daily brunt. He picked his trail, a new trail, high and short. He chose to drink his cup at a single gulp, and break the glass-but he left a deathless name.Грянуло три выстрела, и сраженный оборотень упал на снег, свершив свой боевой путь.
Who can look into the mind of the Wolf?Кто может заглянуть в душу волка?
Who can show us his well spring of motive?Кто скажет нам, о чем он думал?
Why should he still cling to a place of endless tribulation?Почему он оставался жить возле города, в котором испытал столько страданий?
It could not be because he knew no other country, for the region is limitless, food is everywhere, and he was known at least as far as Selkirk.Ведь кругом тянулись густые леса и пищи повсюду было вдоволь.
Nor could his motive be revenge.Вряд ли он был одержим жаждой мести: никакое животное не потратит целую жизнь на месть - это злобное чувство свойственно одному лишь человеку.
No animal will give up its whole life to seeking revenge; that evil kind of mind is found in man alone. The brute creation seeks for peace.Животные жаждут покоя.
There is then but one remaining bond to chain him, and that the strongest claim that anything can own—the mightiest force on earth.Итак, остается всего одна цепь, которая могла приковать его к городу, и эта цепь есть величайшая в мире власть, могущественнейшая сила на земле - любовь.
The Wolf is gone.Волка не стало.
The last relic of him was lost in the burning Grammar School, but to this day the sexton of St. Boniface Church avers that the tolling bell on Christmas Eve never fails to provoke that weird and melancholy Wolf-cry from the wooded graveyard a hundred steps away, where they laid his Little Jim, the only being on earth that ever met him with the touch of love.