Время-не-ждет (Лондон) - страница 52

Kama, however, had two robes of rabbit skin to Daylight's one.У Камы было два одеяла, у Харниша только одно.
They worked on steadily, without speaking, losing no time.Они трудились размеренно, молча, не теряя ни минуты даром.
Each did whatever was needed, without thought of leaving to the other the least task that presented itself to hand.Каждый делал свое дело, не пытаясь переложить на другого хотя бы часть необходимой работы.
Thus, Kama saw when more ice was needed and went and got it, while a snowshoe, pushed over by the lunge of a dog, was stuck on end again by Daylight.Увидев, что льду для стряпни не хватает, Кама пошел наколоть еще, а Харниш, заметив, что собаки опрокинули лыжу, водворил ее на место.
While coffee was boiling, bacon frying, and flapjacks were being mixed, Daylight found time to put on a big pot of beans.Пока закипал кофе и жарилось сало, он замесил тесто и поставил на огонь большой котел с бобами.
Kama came back, sat down on the edge of the spruce boughs, and in the interval of waiting, mended harness.Кама, вернувшись, сел на край подстилки из еловых веток и принялся чинить упряжь.
"I t'ink dat Skookum and Booga make um plenty fight maybe," Kama remarked, as they sat down to eat.- Скукум и Буга драться хотят, - заметил Кама, когда они сели обедать.
"Keep an eye on them," was Daylight's answer.- Гляди в оба за ними, - ответил Харниш.
And this was their sole conversation throughout the meal.На этом разговор сотрапезников кончился.
Once, with a muttered imprecation, Kama leaped away, a stick of firewood in hand, and clubbed apart a tangle of fighting dogs.Один раз Кама вскочил, чертыхаясь, и, размахивая суком, разогнал дерущихся собак.
Daylight, between mouthfuls, fed chunks of ice into the tin pot, where it thawed into water.Харниш то и дело подбрасывал кусочки льда в котел, где варились бобы.
The meal finished, Kama replenished the fire, cut more wood for the morning, and returned to the spruce bough bed and his harness-mending.После обеда Кама подложил хворосту в костер, приготовил топливо на утро и, усевшись на еловые ветки, опять взялся за починку упряжи.
Daylight cut up generous chunks of bacon and dropped them in the pot of bubbling beans.Харниш нарезал толстые ломти сала и заправил кипевшие бобы.
The moccasins of both men were wet, and this in spite of the intense cold; so when there was no further need for them to leave the oasis of spruce boughs, they took off their moccasins and hung them on short sticks to dry before the fire, turning them about from time to time.