Современная английская лексика для свободного общения (Черниховская) - страница 29

мог ляпнуть такое?

— I don’t know. It kind of slipped out. / Не знаю. Просто сорвалось.

dumb down

разжевывать, делать простым

Stacey sits next to me in the office, and I have to dumb down all the work for her. / Стейси сидит рядом со мной в офисе, и мне

приходится разжевывать ей все, что надо сделать.

dump on

критиковать, осуждать

— Why are you dumping on him? / Чего ты его ругаешь?

— He didn’t show up for my birthday and didn’t apologize. I invited him though. / Он не пришел на мой день рождения и не извинил-

ся. А я его приглашал.

— What are you? Four? Forget it! / Тебе что, четыре года? Вы-

брось из головы!


Заполните пропуски и найдите определение или синоним для

подчеркнутых фраз.

1. The woman in the pharmacy who offered me water to wash down the painkiller made my day.

a) made me feel good; b) told me to get out; c) was not polite to me 64

Современная английская лексика

2. This program will definitely make a difference to the way I work.

a) improve; b) increase; c) worsen

3. Talking dirty can be fun sometimes.

a) saying mean things; b) saying sex related things; c) saying cuss-words

4. When you finish something, you say:

a) Good job! b) Done! c) Have a nice day!

5. When you kindly ask someone to help, you say:

a) You’ve got to help me. b) Could you do me a favor? c) Help me.

6. Dave is a weak man. He lets everyone treat him like ... .

a) a king; b) a doormat; c) a boss

7. He’s nice, but he’s a dope. He always says something that doesn’t make any sense.

a) mean and vengeful person; b) stupid or silly; c) very intelligent man 8. When your friend dreams of something that is unlikely to happen, you say:

a) Cheers! b) Happy New Year! c) Keep dreaming!

9. The driver ... near the bookstore where I was supposed to meet my real estate agent.

a) picked me up; b) dropped me off; c) stopped and said hello 10. Larry dropped out of high school because he got a dream job.

a) finished high school with honors; b) did not finish highs school at all; c) skipped school for a year

11. I don’t understand it. It’s too complicated. Can you ... for me?

a) write it down; b) translate it; c) dumb it down



12. Jerry is always dumping on his boss. That’s almost a natural thing to do. Who likes their boss?

a) criticizing; b) bragging about; c) trying not to mention


play it by ear

импровизировать (в буквальном и переносном смысле),

действовать по ситуации

— What do you think would be best to say to the students? / Как

ты думаешь, что лучше всего обсудить со студентами?

— Just play it by ear.