Tom listened with some shame and some sorrow; but escaping as quickly as possible, could soon with cheerful selfishness reflect, firstly, that he had not been half so much in debt as some of his friends; secondly, that his father had made a most tiresome piece of work of it; and, thirdly, that the future incumbent, whoever he might be, would, in all probability, die very soon. | Том слушал не без стыда и не без огорчения; но, постаравшись поскорее скрыться с глаз отца, он уже очень скоро с веселым эгоизмом размышлял, что, во-первых, его долг и вполовину не так велик, как у иных его приятелей, во-вторых, выговор отца прескучен, и в-третьих, будущий приходский священник, кто бы он ни был, всего вероятней, вскорости умрет. |
On Mr. Norris's death the presentation became the right of a Dr. Grant, who came consequently to reside at Mansfield; and on proving to be a hearty man of forty-five, seemed likely to disappoint Mr. Bertram's calculations. | После кончины мистера Норриса кандидат на его место, некий доктор Грант, по праву получил приход, приехал в Мэнсфилд и, оказавшись сорокапятилетним здоровяком, как будто должен был бы обмануть ожидания мистера Бертрама. |
But "no, he was a short-necked, apoplectic sort of fellow, and, plied well with good things, would soon pop off." | Но нет, "это малый апоплексического склада, с короткой шеей, и, ежели его усердно потчуют хорошей стряпней, он не заживется на свете". |
He had a wife about fifteen years his junior, but no children; and they entered the neighbourhood with the usual fair report of being very respectable, agreeable people. | У доктора Гранта была жена лет на пятнадцать моложе, а детей не было, и соседи по обыкновению благосклонно отзывались об них как о людях почтенных и приятных. |
The time was now come when Sir Thomas expected his sister-in-law to claim her share in their niece, the change in Mrs. Norris's situation, and the improvement in Fanny's age, seeming not merely to do away any former objection to their living together, but even to give it the most decided eligibility; and as his own circumstances were rendered less fair than heretofore, by some recent losses on his West India estate, in addition to his eldest son's extravagance, it became not undesirable to himself to be relieved from the expense of her support, and the obligation of her future provision. |