Земля задаром (Бомонт) - страница 14

He began to feel an overwhelming pressure in his ribs and chest.От боли распирало ребра.
It was at this moment of his discovery that the top of the hole was up beyond his reach that he saw the white plant in full moon-glow.В тот момент, когда он понял, что ему не выбраться, он увидел цветок в лунном сиянии.
It looked rather like a hand, a big human hand, waxy and stiff and attached to the earth.Он напоминал руку, большую руку человека, негнущуюся, с восковым оттенком, растущую из земли.
The wind hit it and it moved slightly, causing a rain of dirt pellets to fall upon Mr. Aorta's face.Ветер подхватил ее, легко понес, роняя землю на лицо Аорты.
He thought a moment, judged the whole situation, and began to climb.Он подумал, оценил ситуацию и начал отчаянно карабкаться.
But the pains were too much and he fell, writhing.Но боль была настолько сильна, что его скрутило.
The wind came again and more dirt was scattered down into the hole: soon the strange plant was being pushed to and fro against the soil, and the dirt fell more and more heavily.Вновь подул ветер, и в яму посыпалась земля. Вскоре странное растение начало раскачиваться из стороны в сторону, и земля прямо-таки повалилась в яму.
More and more, more heavily and more heavily.Все больше и больше.
Mr. Aorta, who had never up to this point found occasion to scream, screamed. It was quite successful, despite the fact that no one heard it. The dirt came down, and presently Mr. Aorta was to his knees in damp soil. He tried rising, and could not. And the dirt came down from that big white plant flip-flopping in the moonlight and the wind. After a while Mr. Aorta's screams took on a muffled quality. For a very good reason. Then, some time later, the garden was just as still and quiet as it could be.До этой минуты Аорта не нашел подходящего момента, чтобы закричать, но тут он закричал. Кричал отчаянно, но его никто не слышал.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph William Santucci found Mr. Aorta. He was lying on the floor in front of several tables.Супруги Сантуччи обнаружили соседа лежащим на полу перед несколькими столами.
On the tables were many plates. The plates on the tables were clean and shining.На них стояли тарелки, сверкая чистотой.
Mr. Aorta's stomach was distended past burst belt buckle, popped buttons and forced zipper.Его живот был раздут до такой степени, что ремень, пуговицы, молнию было невозможно расстегнуть.
It was not unlike the image of a great white whale rising curiously from placid, forlorn waters.Он походил на большого белого кита, подымающегося из морской пучины.