Покорение человеком Тихого океана (Беллвуд) - страница 402

906. Lovejoy C. O. The taxonomic status of the Meganthropus mandibular fragments from the Djetis beds of Java, Man (new series). 1970, 5..

907. Luomala K. The Menehune of Polynesia and other mythical little people of Oceania, BPBMB. 1951, 203.

908. Luomala K. Moving and moveable images in Easter Island custom and myth, JPS. 1973, 82.

909. Luquet G. H. L’art néo-calédonienne. Paris: Institut d’Ethnologie, Travaux et Memoirs 2, 1926.

910. Lynch F. X., Ewing J. F. Twelve ground stone implements from Mindanao, Philippine Islands, APAS. 1968, 2.

911. Lyons A. P. Sepulchral pottery of Murua, Papua, Man. 1922, 22,

912. McAlister J. G. Archaeology of Oahu, BPBMB. 1933, 104.

913. McCarthy F. D. Norfolk Island: additional evidence of a former native occupation, JPS. 1934, 43.

914. McCarthy F. D. A comparison of the prehistory of Australia with that of Indochina, the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, in: [237].

915. McCarthy F. D. Waisted hammers from the Mackay district, Queensland» RAM. 1949, 22.

916. McCarthy F. D. Some prehistoric and recent stone implements from New Guinea, RAM. 1949, 22.

917. McCoy P. C. Review of: [425], JPS. 1971, 80.

918. McCoy P. C. Excavation of a rectangular house on the east rim of Rano Kau volcano, Easter Island, APAO. 1973, 8.

919. McCulloch B. A relevant radiocarbon result, NZAAN. 1973, 16.

920. McElhanon K. A. Classifying New Guinea languages, A. 1971, 66.

921. McElhanon K. A., Voorhoeve C. L. The Trans-New Guinea phylum: explorations in deep level genetic relationships. Pacific linguistics, Series B. 1970, no. 16.

923. McFadgen B. G. The significance of archaeological research, NZAAN. 1974, 17.

924. Macintosh N. W. G. A preliminary note on skin colour in the Western Highland natives of New Guinea, Oceania. 1960, 30.

925. Macintosh N. W. G. Radiocarbon dating as a pointer in time to the arrival and history of man in Australia and islands to the north-west, Proceedings 8th International Conference on Radiocarbon Dating. Vol. 1. Wellington, 1972.

926. Macintosh N. W. G., Walsh R. J., Kooptzoff O. The blood groups of the native inhabitants of the Western Highlands, New Guinea, Oceania. 1958, 28.

927. McKay A. On the identity of the moa-hunters with the present Maori race, TNZI. 1974, 7.

928. McKern W. C. Archaeology of Tonga, BPBMB. 1929, 60.

929. McKinlay J. R. Waioneke 1968-9, NZAAN. 1971, 14.

930. MacLachlan R. R. C. Native’pottery from central and southern Melanesia and west Polynesia, JPS. 1938, 47.

931. McNab J. W. Sweet potatoes and Maori terraces in the Wellington area, JPS. 1968, 78.