Деловые приемы и встречи на английском: визиты, сотрудничество и профессиональные контакты (Мердек-Стерн) - страница 12

T. Broke:

M. Money:

T. Broke: M. Money: T. Broke: M. Money:

T. Broke:

M. Money: T. Broke:

I think it would be a good idea if we met to discuss this further.

Yes, I agree. Just see my Personal Assistant for an appointment.

I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr Money, please.

Г11 just have a look in his diary. What dav would suit vou?

Might I suggest Tuesday morning?

Гт sorry, he already has an appointment in the morning. Would some time in the afternoon be convenient?

Yes, I could manage early in the afternoon...

Mr Money, would vou like to meet for lunch?

Yes. I’d like that... Гт sorrv. I would have loved to but I can’t make it on the Tuesday. Let’s try on Wednesday — are vou free on Wfednesdav?

I’m afraid I’m at a conference all dav. Would Thursday suit vou?

That suits me fine. I think, I’ll just check with my assistant...

Where would be the most convenient for you?

We could meet at the bank at about noon, and there’s a very good Italian restaurant just round the comer.

That sounds perfect. I’ll have time to sort out the figures and bring along a complete file with me.

I look forward to seeing vou on Thursday, then. Goodbye.

Thank you, goodbye.

Asking for an appointment

aMHMWimiPi—r—i -v.s - - - -.■■■ .v

I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr M., please.

Yes, certainly.

I’ll just have a look in his diary.

I think it would be a good idea if we met to discuss this.

Yes, I agree.

Just see my PA for an appointment.

Asking for / Suggesting a date

What day would suit you?

Would Thursday suit you?

Are you free on Wednesday?

Might 1 suggest Tuesday morning? Wauld some time in the afternoon be convenient?

W3uld you like to meet for lunch? Wbuld you like to go to...

Where would be the most convenient for you?

Answering a suggestion

That suits me fine.

I could manage early (late) in the afternoon.

Yes, I’d like that.

Гш sorry, I would have loved to but I can’t make it on the Tuesday.

I’m afraid I’m at a conference all day.

I’m sorry, he already has an appointment in the morning.


I look forward to seeing you on.., then. See you on Thursday, then.

Договориться о встрече

Я бы хотел встретиться с...

Да, конечно.

Я посмотрю в его расписании встреч.

Я думаю, было бы хорошо встретиться и поговорить об этом.

Да, я согласен.

Договоритесь с моим личным помощником о встрече.

Предложить день для встречи

Какой день вас устроит?

Четверг вам подойдет?

Вы свободны в среду?

Могу я предложить вторник, утро? Днем вас устроит?

Не хотите ли вместе пообедать? Не хотите ли пойти в...

Где вам удобно встретиться?

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