Read fluently the words and point out those of the text:
a) supervision,
b) lighting, c) to subordinate, d) brake, e) wire, f) frequency, g) lantern, h) lead, i) emergency, j) star, k) switchgear, 1) to remedy, m) item, n) circuit, o) to assume, p) regulation, q) to relieve, r) ground.
7 5
Read fluently the words, point out those which deal with the topic “Items of Electrical Equipment” and write them out.
a) use
b) set
g) to fail
c) alarm h) emergency
d) to list i) trouble
e) plant j) brake
f) main k) control
1) to explain
transformer switchgear to remedy to detect device step
u) construction
v) lantern
w) operation
x) coupling
y) unit
z) careless a') poor
b') monitoring c') circuit-breaker d') watch
Read the word-combinations and point out those with nouns in plural:
a) apparatus of internal communication; b) control units; c) to stand watches; d) to study economics; e) a powerful means of investigating; f) protective apparatuses; g) a new glass works has been built; h) his new hypothesis; i) there are two brick works; j) record of data; k) party nucleus.
9 1
Read the sentences and point out the numbers of those which deal with the topic “Electricians on Watch”.
1. Marine engineers are to know the construction of electrical equipment. 2. Before relieving former electrician they must get all information about the state of the equipment and devices. 3. They are to supervise the operation of the equipment and devices. 4. They must know consequences which may result from poor and careless operation. 5. They are to keep everything in the engine-room clean and in good order. 6. In case of the trouble they are to report to the electrical engineer, at the same time take measures to find and locate the cause of the trouble and try to eliminate it.
10 35
Home exercise. Read some information on Gerund with the purpose of its correct translation into Russian.
Gerund — неличная форма глагола, оканчивающаяся на -ing, имеет свойства как глагола, гак и существительного. Является глагольной формой, которую молено употреблять после предлога и использовать для обозначения многократного, незаконченного или длительного действия. В русском языке он может соответствовать инфинитиву, отглагольному существительному, деепричастию и глаголу в личной форме.
Герундий страдательного залога соответствует русскому дополнительному предложению и показывает, что подлежащее не совершает действия в данном процессе. Например: I am glad at being asked. Я рад, что со мной советуются.