Английский язык для судовых электромехаников (Кущ, Воловник) - страница 21

d) Learn the new words and word-combinations.

e) Make up as many questions as you can.

f) Be prepared to retell the text.

Storing Cells and Batteries

1. The cells are delivered by the manufacturer in a ready-to-store state. Upon receiving new cells check tightness of the plugs and condition of the vent plug rubber rings.

Apply a thin iayer of petroleum jelly to nickel-plated plugs and nuts of the cells. Jars of the cells protected with black bituminous ebonite varnish must not be lubricated to avoid damaging the varnish coating.

2. Store the cells and batteries in closed, dry, ventilated locations, either heated or non-heated, but ensure against sharp fluctuations of: temperature that leads to rusting of metal parts of the cells and batteries.

3. To prepare for storage exceeding 1 year the cells which have been in use, discharge them to I. О V across each cell with the normal current, drain the electrolyte, tightly screw in the plugs and wipe the surface of dust and salts with a clean dry waste! cloth. If the jars are-not protected with a varnish, coat them with any black insulation varnish.

4. The cells used from time to time may be stored filled with electrolyte in a discharged or partly discharged condition. In this case the plugs should be tightly screwed in to prevent absorption of carbon dioxide from the air.

5. Keep the cells and batteries clean and periodically wipe salts off their surfaces.

6. The cells intended for a long shipment should be prepared in the same way as for a long storage. When required, the cells and batteries may be shipped filled with the electrolyte.

7. Never store alkaline and acid cells and batteries in one room. All acids are harmful to alkaline batteries, so by no means keep any acid in' one location with the alkaline cells and batteries.

8. Nickel-cadmium cells and batteries can be stored in a discharged state without the electrolyte for 5 years, provided they are protected from atmospheric precipitation and direct sun rays.

Hometask: Ex..35. Be prepared to write a test.


6 — acdgikpq; 7 — befhjkmnqstvxyb'c'; 8 •— abcfij; 9—2, 3, 5, 6;

11 -— conj.; abefhjmou; prep.: cdgklnpqstv; 12 — adgjknprt;

13—1. He беспокойте его. Он сейчас на вахте. 2. Делайте это, когда вы не на вахте. 3. Вы можете на него положиться: этот человек выполнит свой долг. 4. Сожалею, но я выполняю свои обязанности. 5. Обязанностью электриков является поддержание всего (оборудования) в рабочем состоянии. 17—1.

Ему во всем везло. 2. К сожалению, его линия поведения — это линия наименьшего сопротивления. 3. Его предложения имели успех. 4. Трудно разграничить эти два фактора.