Английский язык для судовых электромехаников (Кущ, Воловник) - страница 22

5. Посмотри, ровно ли идут колеса. 6. Черкните мне несколько строк, как только сможете. 22 — Common: test for opens (open circuit); Difference: А-series motor, B-shunt motor, C-compound motor; 26-Iehjd; 2i, 3c, 4c, 5b, 6g, 7a, 8f.

Test I 1

What most important pieces of advice should be given to a marine electrician? List 8 of them.


Choose the proper translation.

They must know consequences which may result from poor and careless operation.

а) Они должны знать, какие результаты могут произойти от плохой и небрежной работы.

в) Небрежная работа приводит к плохим последствиям,

с) Они должны знать последствия,, к которым может привести плохая и небрежная работа.

Choose the proper translation.

Они обязаны принимать участие в техническом обслуживании и ремонте всего электрооборудования на судне.

a) They are to take part in maintenance and repair of all shipboard electrical equipment.

b) They shall take part in erection and maintenance of all shipboard equipment.

c) They must take an active part in maintenance and overhauling of all shipboard electrical equipment.


Choose the suitable form.

They are to describe in detail the procedure used. . . a trouble and (the steps recommended to correct the fault.

a) to have diagnosed; b) in having diagnosed; c) in diagnosing.


Choose the suitable form.

The mechanical rectifiers all have the disadvantage ... moving parts,

a) having; b) of having; c) to have.


Choose the suitable form.

He stopped. . . an hour ago.

a) working; b) to work; c) having worked.


Complete the sentence in such a way that it n^akes sense.

They are subordinated to all instructions of the chief engineer and to do all sorts of work which might. ...

a) get them the certificate; b) not to be in their line; c) relieve them.


Complete the sentence in such a way that it makes sense.

If life of people is in danger they are. . . .

a) to keep everything in good order; b) to report to the electrical engineer; c) to report to the electrical engineer and take necessary and bold measures to eliminate the cause.


Choose the proper translation.

It is no good arguing this issue.

at Об этом вопросе бесполезно спорить, б) Не стоит спорить по этому вопросу, в) Нехорошо спорить по этому вопросу.


Choose the proper translation.

Ей удалось решить эту задачу.

a) She succeeded to solve the problem, b) She succeeded in solving the problem, c) She failed in solving the problem.


Make a 5-sentence entry in the log-book before having been relieved. Sum up your results. Time... Score... Mark...

Note. 10 points for 10—8 sentences of the first task+9 points of tasks