Английский язык для судовых электромехаников (Кущ, Воловник) - страница 26

1. Reading scientific books is useful. 2. We object to the authors of this paper not referring to our paper. 3. I hate missing'lectures. 4. They started working. 5. He stopped removing bearings. 6. For the sake of avoiding the introduction of further terminology...

17 2

Find Gerund in the following sentences. Read and translate them.

1. This rule applies above all for rising temperatures. 2. Transformers are used for raising or lowering voltages and, aside from this in some cases, for measuring purposes. 3. You must have patience for learning foreign languages requires time.

18 9

Translate as exactly as you can. Look up new words in a dictionary. Render the text in English.

A bridge is a sensitive device used to measure resistance, capacitance, or inductance when great accuracy of measurement is desired. Bridges are commonly used for measuring the reactance of components and for accurately determining audio frequencies. Bridge circuits for component measurement include a source of a-c or d-c voltage; an indicating device, usually a sensitive galvanometer or headphones; an adjustable standard, usually a resistor or capacitor; the component whose value is to be measured; and a method of determining how much the unknown value differs from the standard.

19 8

Express the main idea of the whole text in Russian. Make up a plan of the text. Dwell on its subject with your fellow-student.

Measuring Instruments and Alarms

Given below is a minimum list of measuring instruments that are to be provided in order to ensure permanent and direct indication of the system parameters: 1) an ammeter in the main current circuit;

2) a voltmeter in the main current circuit; 3) an ammeter in the field circuit for adjustable excitation system; 4) a voltmeter in the field circuit for adjustable excitation system; 5) a tachometer for propulsion motors or propeller shafts; 6) a rudder angle indicator.

For a-c systems the following is to be provided additionally: 7) a frequency indicator; 8) a synchronizer for generator paralleling.

The electric propulsion plant system is to be equipped with an insulation resistance measuring instrument. Continuous insulation resistance measuring is to be provided in the main current circuits, with visual and audible alarms to operate in the event of inadmissible decrease of the insulation resistance.

Where a control desk or a control panel incorporates measuring instruments with oil, steam or water supply to them, suitable measures are to be taken to prevent the possibility of any of the above agents gaining access to live parts if the instruments or piping connections are damaged.