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331. Will Smale, “How Controversial Beer Firm Brewdog Became So Popular,” BBC News, January 5, 2015.

332. Jon Henley, “The Aggressive, Outrageous, Infuriating (and Ingenious) Rise of BrewDog,” The Guardian, March 24, 2016.

333. Там же.

334. BrewDog, “International,” July 2017. www.brewdog.com.

335. Alanna Petroff, “Craft Beer Bet Returns 2,800% to Early Investors,” CNN Money, April 10, 2017.

336. Bill Bruce, “BrewDog Smashes £4.25m Crowdfunding Record,” FoodBev Media, December 23, 2013.

337. Там же.

338. BrewDog, “#PunkAGM2016,” July 2017. www.brewdog.com.

339. BrewDog, “The Benefits of Investing in BrewDog,” July 2017. www.brewdog.com.

340. Petroff, “Craft Beer Bet.”

341. Там же.

342. Derek Smart, “Star Citizen — Interstellar Discourse,” Derek Smart (blog), July 10, 2015. www.dereksmart.com.

343. Starfarer_Rio, “ ‘He Who Must Not Be Named’ Admits to Wanting to Kill the Project,” RSI Community Forums, October 2015. www.robertsspaceindustries.com.

344. Loonie, “Are Refunds for Our Packages / Ships from CIG Now Okay to Be Requested?,” RSI Community Forum, July 2015. www.robertsspaceindustries.com.

345. Blightbow, “Stretch Goal 48m — External Business Audit,” RSI Community Forum, June 2014. www.robertsspaceindustries.com.

346. 10 for the Chairman, YouTube video, posted by “Star Citizen,” www.youtube.com.

347. Roberts, “Letter from the Chairman,” July 20, 2015.

348. Alex Walker, “For Some, Star Citizen Is a Deeply Emotional Project,” Kotaku, October 12, 2015.

349. Rob Davies, “ ‘Punk’ Beer Maker Brewdog Sells 22% of Firm to Private Equity House,” The Guardian, April 9, 2017.

350. Eliza O’Neill’s GoFundMe page, “Saving Eliza,” July 2017. www.gofundme.com/ElizaONeill.

351. “This video will save a little girl’s life: #SavingEliza,” YouTube video, posted by “VonWong,” April 2, 2014, www.youtube.com.

352. Там же.

353. Myriah Towner and Jill Reilly, “ ‘She’s Running Out of Time, but We Haven’t Run Out of Hope,’” Daily Mail, November 13, 2015.

354. Jonathan Zittrain, Twitter post, January 19, 2016, 6:32 a.m. www.twitter.com/zittrain.

355. GoFundMe, “Top 10 Crowdfunding Sites,” July 2017. www.crowdfunding.com.

356. Некара в беседе с авторами. Нижеследующие высказывания — из того же источника.

357. Imperial News Network, “About Us,” July 2017. www.imperialnews.network.

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358. Science and Technology Committee, “‘Boaty McBoatface’ Competition Examined with NERC Representatives,” UK Parliament, May 5, 2016.

359. Там же.

360. Natural Environment Research Council, “About the Ship,” July 2017. www.nameourship.nerc.ac.uk.