Практический курс английского языка 1 курс. Ключи (Аракин, Федуленкова) - страница 20

farthest {Ta-AistJ near |ntsJ — nearer {Vilaraj nearest f'nianstj often I'ofanJ — more often {Vtist ofan] — most often JVinust
Wan J
late Licit J — later {Ifflta] — latest {leitisT]
quietly {'kwaiolli) — morequletly {'mo: 'kwaiaili] — most qui­etly {"m^ust 4 kwaioEh]
easily f'hzdi] — more easily |'mo:r 'hzih] — most easily I'msusi Ш]
little ( lit]] — less\les\ — least {HjStJ
warmly Imill — more warmly {VnJ: 'wj:mh] — most warmly {'msust Wmfi]
seriously {'sun.i'll] — more seriously {'mo: 'sianashj — most
seriously {'moust 'siorioshj comfortably {'timfelablij —more comfortably lin^tomfotthl rj —
most comfortably {'miust 'клтГаЕаЬМ] quickly |'kwikli| — morequickly f'moi'kwikhl — mostquickly
{'msust 'kwikh]
Lesson Eleven
VJI a), p. 147
1. Aicx is never late for his classes.
2. He usually has dinner at two o'clock.
3. I seldom go to bed before twelve o'clock.
4. I often speak Spanish to my mother.
5. lie always works in the lab after his lessons.
6– Do you think that she is sti 11 ill?
7– 1 think she is already at home.
8. 1 sometimes see him in the library.
VIM. p. 14S
1. 1 know the foil owing traditional holidays in our country: the New Year, Mother's Day, May Day, Easter, Day of Freedom of Russia, Victory Day. Christmas. Teachers' Day and some others.
2. We usually see in the New Year at home.
3. Yes, there is. There is a New-Year tree at our place at that time.
4. The biggest and the most beautiful New-Year tree in Moscow can be seen in the Kremlin.
5. Wccelehrale Mother's day on the eighth of March.
в. I usually give my mother a bunch of flowers and a present.
7. Victory Day is not only a traditional holiday in our coun­try, it is also an international holiday.
B– On Victory Day we usually go to the war memorials and take flowers there or lay wreathes on the soldiers' graves,
9. In fact people mother со un tries celebrate Victory Day in the same way.
10. The traditional holiday of teachers in our country is Teachers' Day.
11. My birthday is on the 21" of July.
12. No, I don't. 1 don't always invito guests to my birthday party.
13. 1 don't like this tradition. / I like this tradition as 1 am still very young.
14– No, I don't. 1 don't put candles on my birthday cake be­cause 1 think it is superfluous,
Ex. IK, p, 14S
1. arger 2, shorter Э. better 4. fewer 5. most beautiful 6. colder 7. more difficult 6, easier 9. farthest, quietest
Ex. ПР, p. 149
I. to, of 2. to, in3.in, of, of, of 4. in, of 5. in 6. In 7. of. on 8. in, of 9. to, of 10. of. of. at, of 11. of. in / of. from 12. оГ. 13. in
E*. XIV, p. 149