2. Are you thirsty now? You arc thirsty now, aren't you? Who is thirsty now? Are you thirsty or hungry now?
3. Is the father having his cup of tea? The father is having his cup of tea. Isn't he? Who is having his cup of tea? What is the father having? Is the father hnving his cup of tea or coffee?
4. Must you leave in a quarter of an hour? You must leave In a quarter of an hour, mustn't you? Who must leave in a quarter of an hour? When must you leave? What must
Ы ' Основной курс
you do in a quarter of an hour? Must you leave in a quarter of an hour or in half an hour? 5– Are the children working in the garden? The children are working in the garden, aren't they? Who ia working in the garden? Where are the children working? Are Lhe children working in the garden or in the yard?
6. Are the students reading the text? The studenta are reading the text, aren't they? Who Is reading the text? What are the students reading? Arc the students reading or copying the text?
7. Is the gi ri going to write a Ietter7 The giri is going to write a letter, isn't she? Who is going to write a letter7 What is the girl going to do? Whst is the girl going to write? Is the girl going to write a letter or a composition?
S. 1, Are you reedy to go down to the canteen? You are ready to go down to the canteen, aren't you? Who is ready to go down to the canteen? Where are you ready to go down to? Arc you ready to go down to the canteen or to the restaurant?
2. Are you finishing this article? You are finishing this article, aren't you? Who is finishing this article? What are you finishing? What article are you finishing? Are you finishing this or that article?
3. Do you prefer a glass of soda water? You prefer a glass of soda water, don'I you? What do you prefer? Who prefers a glass of soda water? Ooyou prefer a glass of soda water or a cup of coffee?
4. Is the waitress already bringing in our tea? The waitress is already bringing in our tea, isn't she? Who is already bringing in our tea? What is Lhe waitress already doing? What is the waitress already bringing in? Whose tea is the waitress already bringing in? Is the waitress already bringing In our tea or their ice cream?
5. Do Г forget about the meeting of our club7 I forget about the meeting of our club, don't J? Who forgets about the meet! ng of ou r club? W hat do I forget ahou I? What mec t –log do 1 forget about? Do I forget about the meeting of our club or of our chair?