Практический курс английского языка 1 курс. Ключи (Аракин, Федуленкова) - страница 27

Ей, XV, p. 167
a) four, fourlecn, forty, nine, nineteen, ninety, twelve, thirty-eight, one hundred snd fifty-seven, six hundred and sev' enty-three, eight hundred and twenty-one, one thousand two hundred and thirty-nine, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, two thousand qnd eighteen, three thousand six hundred and eighty-seven, two hundred and seventy-one, two hundred and ninety-nine, nine hundred and forty-five, nine thousand two hundred and twelve, three hundred and twenty-two
Ы the twenty-third of January nineteen sixty-four, the seventh of November nineteen forty-five, the twenty-second of June nineteen forty-one, the fifth of December nineteen eighty-two
Ex. XVI. p. 167
(a) 1. leaves 2. stays 3. stay 4. leaving 5. leave 6. leave 7. stay В. stay. lcavcS. leaving, stay 10. leaving 11– staying, leaving
12. leave, slay
|Ь) 1. comes 2. comes / goes 3. comes 4. go 5. coming 6– going, going
(c) 1. still 2. another 3, another, still 4. more 5. more 6. still 7. more B. another 9. more 10. more 11. another 12. still
13. still 14. more 15. still 16. still 17. more IS. more 39. more 20. another 21. more 22. still
Ex. XVII, p. J6й
A. I. —2. to3. to4. to5. —6. In 7. at8. in9. in 10. —,to 11. at, in 12, at, in 13, in 14– out 15. in 16. into, — I7-— le.for
в. 1, for, in 2. for3. with 4. to Ъ. to 6. for. for 7. with 8. to9, for, to 10. to lb to 12. out of 13. —. In 14. for IS-оГ
Ex. XVIII a), p. 168
1. Do they have supper at eight? They don't have supper at eight-
2. Do you usually have dinner at home? We don't usually have dinner at home.
3– Does father have lunch at his office? Father doesn't have lunch nt his office.
4. Does your cousin's family have dinner at five o'clock as a rule? My cousin's family doesn't have dinner at five o'clock as a rule,
5. Does he have dinner in thecanteen? He doesn't have din­ner in the canteen.
6. Do you always have breakfast at home? I don't always have breakfast at home.
7. Do they usually have lunch together? They don't usually have lunch together.
8. Does your brother have lunch at the plant? My brother doesn't have lunch at the plant.
9. Do you often have dinner at your aunt's? I don't often have dinner at my aunt's-
Ей. XX, p. 160
1– I should like some cucumbers, now.
2. 1 should lilcesomechnpti and mashed potatoes now.
3. I should like some H.msnge now.
4. 1 should like some jinn now. 6– I should Mice some augur now.
6– I should like some bacon and egga now. 7. I should hkesome mnrmalade now. 3. 1 should like some coffee now.
9. I should like some lee cream now.