Model f:
1. Shall I speak English?
2– Shall 1 open the window?
3. Shall I read the exercise?
4. Shalll do It at once?
6 ■ Shall I repeat this рое m ? 6. Shall I learn it by heart? 7– Shall 1 clear the table?
8. Shall I answer your question?
9. Shall I lay the table?
10. Shall I make tea for us? Model 2?
1. Shall Г look it up in the dictionary?
2. Shall I step aside? Shall I read it up for you?
3– Shall I teach you how to swim?
4. Shall 1 speak Louder?
5. Shall {spellit?
6. Shall I take you around Moscow by car?
7. Shall I help you to iook for It?
8. Shall 1 give you mine?
Ex. XXII, p, 170
1. So do I. So does my brother.
2. So am I, So are the students of Group 103,
3. So is mine. So am I.
4. So is mine. So am I.
5. So do L So does my brother.
6. Neither do I– Neither does my sister.
7. So does my uncle. So do we,
8. Neither do 1. Neither does my cousin.
9. Neither do I. Neither does my father.
10. Neither can we. Neither can my friend.
11. So do 1. So does my brother.
12. Neither do L Neither does my mother.
13. Neither can 1. Neither can my daughter.
14. So do wc. So do the Browns.
56 * Ос конной курс
15. So am I. So arc Lhe first-year students.
16. So am I. So are Lhe postgraduate students. 17– So is mine. So is my niece.
IS. Neither are our neighbours.
lfl. So is mine. So is my cousin's (father).
Ен. XXIII a), p. 170
1. Mrs. Smith asks John if he will have sugar on his cornflakes.
Й. John thanks liis mother and says that he would like some
more milk instead. ■1. Mr. Smith asks Kitty why she isn't esting anything and
adds thai Ann is already finishing her cornflakes.
4. Kitty says thatshedoesn't like cornflakes. She says that she is just thirsty and asks her mother to give her some tcs and cakes.
5. Mrs. Smith asks Kitty to be a good girl and to have some more cornflakes. She says that they are going to have bacon and eggs and then Kitty will gel her tea with toast and marmalade.
6. Mr. Smith asks his wife to give him a little more cornflakes.
7. Mrs. Smith aslfs her husband if lie will have some bacon and eggs.
S. Mr. Smith asks for a strong cup of tea and says (that) he is afraid he must leave in a quarter of an hour or so.
Ex. XXV, p. 170
1. They h&ve neither a son nor a daughter.
2. She can do neither sing nor dance.
3. 1 use neither pepper nor mustard.
4. He speaks neither English nor French.
5. I like neither football nor hockey.
6– She knows neither my cousin nor my brother. 7. i am going to buy neither cabbage nor potatoes. 3. 1 am going to have neither coffee nor cake.