Практический курс английского языка 1 курс. Ключи (Аракин, Федуленкова) - страница 64

11. expected
Ex. XIV, p. 277
4. 1. What size gloves (shoes, coat) do you wear?
2. This dress suits you. This hat suits you. Don't try on this dress. The colour doesn't suit you. Does the blouse suit me?
3. I want to buy shoes to match my new costume.
Л. This costume fits me badly. This dress fits you perfectly / like a glove. The dress fits Irene like a glove.
5. These gloves, do not go with your costume. These shoes
do not match your smart dress. This bow does not match
your purple / mauve blouse* fi. This blouse is loose on you. This costume is loose on you.
This dress is tight on me. These shoes are tight on me.
This coat is tight on you.
7. These shoes are very beautiful. Try them on. The coat is very elegant / smart. Try it on.
8. The coat is too expensive forme. The umbrella is not very en pensive.
9. I need (a pairof) cheap walking shoes (to go out). 1 prefer to wear cheap things.
10– He isclevcrtomymind. It is not Interesting to my mind. It is necessary to wait for him to my mind. В. 1. We have run out of meat. Wc have run out of onions. We have run out о/ potatoes. 2. I must go to the grocer's (the haker's. the greengrocer's, Lhe fishmonger's, the confectionery, the dairy, the fruit-shop).
2. It was Nina who helped us. It was mother who washed up all the dishes. It was Nick who was our guide.
4. It's my turn to read. It's our turn to go shopping, it's her turn to wash up.
5. Let Pete buy some onions. Let Ann buy a head of cabbage. l*t Nick buy (some) cucumbers.
6. Don'L wait for him, he won't come. Who is waiting for me? — Roger is. Will you wait for us at the station, near the booking-office, please?
Ей. XVIII, p. 27H
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Ex. XIX. p. 279
a. 1. When Irene came up to the fitting room, she saw her girlfriend trying On a smart dress.
2. Did you hearOleg read the text? He reed it very well. Now
it is your turn to record your reading. 3– Don't advise her to buy this blouse. It does not suit her. A. Let Lena buy (some) potatoes, onions and tomatoes.
5. Do you want her to buy these expensive shoes? — Yea, I do. They are so beautiful, aren't they?
6. Mother wants Nina to goto the baker's.
7. I met my girlfriend a few days ago / the other day. She was going out of the Moscow Central Shop.
8. Nina was not sleeping and heard her sister come into the room. She felt Ann touch / touching her hand.
9. Make the child take away his things / put his things in order / in the right place,
10. Nobody can make him follow your advice.