Практический курс английского языка 1 курс. Ключи (Аракин, Федуленкова) - страница 70

2. I have known her since niy childhood.
3. He has been thinking about it for three days.
4. They have always preferred theatre to TV.
5. How long has she been studying music? — Oh, she has been studying music since her early childhood.
6. Since she was a little girl she has been trying not to lake things seriously.
7. The students have been writing their test for two hours already.
8. She has lived in that house round the corner about thirty
9. You have been playing too long. It's high time to do your lessons.
10. She has been HI for more than two weeks. I have been missing her terribly.
E*. IV, p. 304
1. 1 have already been waiting for you for twenty minutes.
2. The scientists have been working at this problem for many years.
3. Jean has been dreaming of going somewhere to the East all her life,
4. I have been translating the article since the very morn­ing.
5– She hasbeeu sleeping very long already. It's lime toawake her.
6. Anna and Roger have been quarrelling since the very morning.
7. We have been living in this hamlet for the whole week.
8. Yon have been discussing this question (for) too long,
9. Have you been Living here for a long lime?
10. Has he really been studying (for) so long?
11. Have you already packed the things? The taxi has already been wailing for us for ten minutes.
12. He has always been interested in Physics. He is working at a now problem now. He has already been working at it for two months.
13. N. writes very good novels. Not long ago he finished a novel and now he is writing a new one. He lias been writ­ing it for more than a month and says he is writing it with pleasure.
11. We have been here since the beginning of the month, but
the weather has been keeping nasty all the time. 16. It has been raining since the very morning.
Ex. V, p. 310
a) toothless, hopeless, careless, sleepless, cloudless, pitiless, voiceless, homeless, thoughtless, restless, harmless, penni­less
b) dangerous, famous, nervous, courageous, industrious Ex. VI, p. 311
1. George Meadows was a man of fifty and his wife, Mrs. George, was a year or two younger. They were both fine people in Lhe prime of life. Their three daughters were lovely and their two sons were handsome and strong. They had no notions about being gentlemen and la­dies; they knew their place, were happy and deserved their happiness, as they were merry, industrious and kindly.
2. The master of the house was not George, but his mother, who was twice the man her son was, as they said in the village.
3. The story amused the author because it was like an old ballad.