Практический курс английского языка 3 курс. Ключи (Аракин) - страница 16

injured – пострадавший, задетый, обиженный (injured feelings, pride, look, tone, voice – раненные чувства, задетое самолюбие, обиженный вид(взгляд), тон, голос)
injury – вред, повреждение (to receive (suffer) an injury to the head (back) – получить (страдать от) травму (ранение) головы, спины
revenge vt – мстить, отомстить (to revenge an insult (injustice) –отомстить за оскорбление (несправедливость))
to revenge oneself on (upon) a person – отомстить кому-либо за что-либо to be revenged – быть отмщенным revenge – месть, отмщение
to have\get\take ones revenge on (upon) smb. – отомстить, мстить to do smth. in revenge – сделать в отместку revengeful – мстительный, жаждущий мщения
Word combinations and Phrases
to disguise oneself – замаскироваться
to be under arrest – находиться под арестом
to smile through ones tears – улыбнуться сквозь слёзы
to rob smb. of smth. – лишить кого-либо чего-либо, ограбить
to fling smth. – кинуть, бросить что-либо
to cut a foolish figure – показаться дураком(смешным)
to intercept information – перехватить информацию
to be taken aback – опешить
to refuse pointblank – категорически отказаться
to break down – не выдерживать
to make a scene – устраивать сцену
to try ones tricks on smb. – обмануть, одурачить кого-либо to be beside oneself – быть вне себя to go too far – зайти слишком далеко
to make use of smb. or smth. – использовать кого-то или что-то
Unit seven (eight). Speech patterns.
I have always hesitated to give advice.
I hesitated to ask him for help.
He didnt hesitate to take such a big risk.
Dont hesitate to refuse the offer if you dont like it.
How can one advice another unless one knows that order as well as one
knows himself?
They wont accept your plan unless you alter it. Youll fail unless you work hard. Unless Im mistaken, hes an artist.
Unless hes done the work properly, I shant accept it. He had some difficulty in lighting it.
I have some difficulty in understanding spoken German. She had some difficulty in finding the house. We had some difficulty in selecting a present for her. I had some difficulty in writing an essay.
He gave an apologetic laugh. I had not given him more than a cursory glance.
The girl gave a deep sigh. Jim gave a loud cry (groan). She gave me a critical look. Its precisely that they are going to do. Thats what Ive got to look forward to. Thats all Ive got to look forward to. That is precisely what I object to. Thats what theyve got to expect. Thats all theyve got to hope for.
He was dressed in a blue suit a good deal the worse for wear. This is an old coat, but it is none the worse for wear. The road is good deal the worse for the rain. We are none the happier for learning the truth