Практический курс английского языка 3 курс. Ключи (Аракин) - страница 20

concerned – обеспокоенный, озабоченный (concerned look – обеспокоенный вид)
concerning – относительно, касательно, в отношении
sympathy – симпатия, сочувствие (to arose, show, express sympathy показывать, выражать симпатию, сочувствие) (you have my sympathies – Я вам симпатизирую, сочувствую) (I have no sympathy with idle people – я не жалею ленивых людей)
sympathize – поддерживать, выражать поддержку
sympathetic – 1) сочувственный, отзывчивый 2) полный сочувствия (sympathetic word – слова

– как ни

(odds are
nd ends

– всякая

е, odd,
queer –
ажает с
п – 1)
забота, и
its my
гs con
cern over
n vt –
1) касать
это ме
ня касает
sympathetically – сочувственно, с сочувствием ( she smiled sympathetically – она
сочувственно улыбнулась) fail vt – 1) потерпеть неудачу (провалиться) 2) провалить, не сделать (fail an exam) 3) изменить, подвести (courage failed him – , heart failed him – сердце подвело его , Ill never fail you – я никогда тебя не подведу, words failed me – у меня не хватало слов) 4) забывать (never fail to write your mother – никогда не забывай писать матери) failure – 1) неудача (success came after many failures – успех пришел после многих неудач) 2) неудачник (shes a complete failure – она законченная неудачнца)
Word combinations and Phrases
to alter manners (plans, way of living) –
a ring at the bell (a knock at the door) –
to reach up (out,down) for smth. –
to have a fancy for smth. –
to keep body and soul together –
to drive up to a house –
to be littered with books –
to have not the least notion (of smth.)-
to remind smb. of smth. –
a dim recollection –
shabby clothes (house,man) –
to be at home somewhere –
to exchange smth. for. smth.
Exercises Unit 4 (5)
Ex. #3 (speech patterns)
The boy went to the skating-rink without telling his mother. He came without inviting and felt uneasy.
In this competition he had an advantage over his competitors more than ever.
He wanted to travel more than ever.
Why would I accept her invitation? I dont like her.
Why would Tom spare your feelings? It is you that have been tactless. The family feud was deep enough to ruin all the relationship between them.
Shes been determined enough to continue working.
The bushes were as thick as the brush.
I dont like this dish as much as you do.
She looked as pretty as a picture from a magazine.
Sitting in front of the television children burst their sides with laughter.
On seeing an envelope in the mailbox Ann screamed with excitement.
How he must have admired this picture!
How it must have been hard to row up-stream!