Практический курс английского языка 3 курс. Ключи (Аракин) - страница 21

Ex. #5 (reading comprehension exercises)
He was glad to be through with his business.
Im going to give to my class a test in English literature today.
He regretted of starting to fix the shaver on his own. Its been easier
to take it apart than to put it together.
Sometimes children take the toys apart to see how they are constructed. I looked over my shoulder and saw a dog chasing me. Im sure that you know a man thats been sitting next to you. His eyes got adjusted to the dark. Im begging you to tell me some more of her. I looked over my shoulder and once more at the bay. A new teaching task flashed one the screen.
Ex. #5 (vocabulary exercises) A
Please, step aside a little you stand in my light.
I should never have thought that this in appearance timid man would stand his rights in such a steady manner.
It stands to reason that these are temporary changes and well be back to previous order when our manager recovers and starts working. He is too ill to go anywhere, he wont stand the journey. I was sure of being right and decided to stand my ground. I dont understand what these letters stand for.
Things like these should be said right into the face, but not while
standing behind somebodys back.
He hates bustle.
Ill hate Eddy till my death.
My indifference to her turned to hatred.
She greeted him with a friendly smile on her face.
The child was all smiles on seeing a Christmas tree.
"Greg, youre such a consolation to me" – said sister smiling away
I hated heavy sound of the rain, patting down the roof.
He continued patting her gently on the shoulder, waiting her to calm
He leveled the books patting them into a neat pile. Missis Rolson said good bye and left to take a train. He took a great pride of his class success in English. Friends took great pains with preparing an Irish haricot.
When nanny saw the boy got dirty, she took him to punishment angrily. Children took for granted that father should love and spoil them. I took you for your sister. You take after her as a twin. She has decided to start a new life and took to art.
Every day after his chat with clients, she took down the record-film after him. В
1. If we found wounded in the house, I would believe that the old man was on the level and told the truth.
2. For miles and miles around it was a single level surface.
3. When Anna started taking her voice was level and cold.
4. Tom tore the gun out of his hand and leveled at Sanders.
5. Janes leveled eyebrows met when she frowned.
6. He has always been living a regular life and went to the city very seldom.