Практический курс английского языка 3 курс. Ключи (Аракин) - страница 3

If I were asked to cite a single reason, for your preeminence, I would
point to you creation of a special world.
If you could have shot this in colour, would you have?
I would certainly give you the number of my room if I had one.
I wouldnt have gone, if I hadnt made up my mind. Я бы не уехал, если бы
не передумал.
2. When I was a child, I suffered from an almost complete lack of words.
(недостаток слов)
The headmaster showed a considerable lack of cooperation with the governing body
The plants died for lack of water. Растения погибли из-за недостатка воды.
His lack of wit was quite evident. Недостаток его ума был вполне очевиден.
Was it only the accident of the puppet theatre that sent you the way of theatre rather than of books.
It was a foolish rather than a malicious remark.
He relied on his wit rather than his knowledge. Он полагался скорее на свой уж нежели на знания.
She is ignorant rather than stupid. Она скорее безграмотная чем глупая.
Do you direct it in your head? – In a way. Did the play impress you? – In a way.
The work was well done in a way. Работа была сделана по-своему хорошо.
Не is clever in a way. Он по-своему умен.
What I need is to come in contact with others.
What the child needs is punishment. Ребенка нужно наказать
What the fellow needs is self-respect. Самоуважение – вот что парню
What I need is advice. Что мне нужно, так это совет.
My impulse has nothing to do with intellect or symbolism.
It has nothing to do with the original plan. Это не имеет отношения к
первоначальному плану
My decision has nothing to do with your explanation.
The answer has nothing to do with the question. Ответ не в тему с вопросом.
Vocabulary notes.
point n 1. кончик, острие 2. точка 3. суть, смысл (речи, истории, действия)4. очки (23 очка) to the point – к сути дела
to speak (to stick, to keep, to be) to the point – в тему, по сути
Your answer is not to the point – Ваш ответ не в тему, to be off the point – не в тему, не к сути
Your answer is off the point – Ваш ответ не в тему to make a point of doing smth. – увлечься чем-либо to agree(disagree) on some points – согласиться с несколькими пунктами(параметрами) weak point – слабое место strong point – сильная сторона
to on the point of doing smth. – собираться сделать что-либо boiling(freezing,melting) point – точка кипения(замерзания,таяния) point of view – точка зрения
point vtIi – указывать, привлекать внимание (предметы, вещи)
point out – указывать, показывать (ошибки)
pointless – бесцельный, бессмысленный dream n 1. сон 2. мечта
dream vi 1. фантазировать, 2. мечтать, 3. видеть сны.