Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 65

cise - creating situations in the classroom, which also gent students received an excellent result. The teacher increases motivation and reveals the creative abilities of

praised and turned to the board, where it was written: students. Situations can be given at the beginning of the

"Where there is a will, there is a way." Students prove lesson so that students can join the work as soon as pos-the veracity of the proverb. The result is this: He is sible, at any convenient and appropriate stage of the sometimes lazy. He can’t write English words. He

lesson. Teacher suggests situations based on interests of

doesn’t study them. The teacher is unhappy. But today

this age of students, their life experience. For example:

he is clever. He has got a “5”. He knows all the words.

One of the guys has a birthday soon. The guys usually Everyone is happy. “Where there is a will, there is a talk about it beforehand. Teacher suggests the situation:


He is happy, he is celebrating his birthday. It is his The culture of communication also includes written

9th birthday. I am sure he likes this day. Do you want to

speech. The main purpose of writing is communication.

know, why? Students are encouraged to ask questions

Writing is divided into two types: formal and informal.

about what they do (usually) on their birthday. The

The formal writing consists of a letter of complaint, a teacher can prompt an indirect question about what to letter requesting, an application letter, an invitation and


Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.

an essay. Informal writing consists of making notes,

I hope you and your family are well. …………you

shopping lists and others. In writing pupils cannot ex-for your letter. I like reading about your family. It’s half press their impressions with gestures, mimes and tone of

–term and we’ve got one week of holiday. It’s ………! I

voice. In order to that they need to use suitable phrases

like half term because I do all the things I like. For ex-

and words. For this schoolchildren have a plenty of

ample, I go to the park. There is a playground and my words in their lexical base. We can see writing letter

………. John likes playing football. I like playing com-

activities between Anvar and Lucy in English Fly High

puter games and collecting coins. I’ve got a collection Pupils’ book. Handout1. Pupils read the full form of the