Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 66

of coins from a lot of countries: America, India, Aus-letter silently and attentively.

tralia, Russia and …………….. What about you? What


do you like doing? Have you got a hobby? Please write

I hope you and your family are well. Thank you for

and tell me. There are two things I don’t like. I don’t your letter. I like reading about your family. It’s half –

like tidying up my room and cooking!

term and we’ve got one week of holiday. It’s great! I


like half term because I do all the things I like. For ex-

The pupils can find the missing words easily. The

ample, I go to the park. There is a playground and my pupils fill in the gaps with great interest. I think this brother John likes playing football. I like playing com-activity is more useful to develop their writing commu-

puter games and collecting coins. I’ve got a collection nication culture.

of coins from a lot of countries: America, India, Aus-Non-verbal communication is familiar as a Body

tralia, Russia and Uzbekistan. What about you? What do

language. English people are less talkative naturally and

you like doing? Have you got a hobby? Please write and

like to speak with gesture. In foreign language lessons tell me. There are two things I don’t like. I don’t like Body language is more effective way to explain unfa-tidying up my room and cooking!

miliar or new words and phrases, especially for young LoveLucy

learners. They are keen on playing “miming game” ac-

Handout 2. Fill in the gaps. (the missing words are

tivity. I give some examples of body language expres-common and simple)

sions which are used in the classroom.


Table 1.

Non- verbal behavior

Non- verbal behavior


Sitting, legs apart

Open, relaxed

Arms crossed on chest


Touching, slightly rubbing nose

Doubt or lying

Head resting in head, eyes down


Open palm


Fondling hair

Sincerity, openness

Looking down and away


Teaching a combination of verbal and non-verbal

language learning process in general and on the stu-

aspects of communication has positive effects on the

dents’ willingness to communicate in particular.


1. Language Art and Disciplines. 1980. E.M.Vereshchagin.

2. I. Yuldashev, O. Sharipova “Tilshunoslik asoslari” 2007

3. A.Abdulazizov “Tilshunoslik nazariyasiga kirish” 2018

4. Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. Рогова. Р.В