Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 67

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Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.


Aigerim Mukanova

Master student, Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketova,Kazakhstan, Karaganda


The article discusses the process of formation of Russian scientific discourse taking place in the Moscow state in the second half of the XVII century. The key aspects of this process are analyzed, which include the approval of the analytical type of grammatical description, the formation of a modern term system by traditional translation techniques to new types of texts. Comparison of Russian-language and English-language scientific discourse.

Keywords: scientific discourse, text, language, term, communication.

Scientific discourse is a process of creating new

is so compact that an expert reader can quickly publish

knowledge about a subject, phenomenon, their proper-

an article and get important information” [2].

ties and qualities, presented orally and defined by the Linguist I. Martinez, in turn, draws attention to the

communicative canons of scientific communication -

widespread use of impersonal constructions in academic

logical presentation, proof of the correctness and incor-

texts that “allow authors to strategically distance them-

rectness of certain provisions, the ultimate abstraction of

selves from the information they write about” [3]. Thus,

the subject of speech. We know the scientific text as a it denotes an important feature of scientific syntax in the

subject-symbolic model of discourse. Given the above,

English language tradition.

the text act as the main unit of discourse, and so we can

Basically the functional features of the English lan-

conclude that the properties of the text as a model of guage scientific discourse and language means of ex-discourse can be extended to the discourse itself. The pressing logical connections can be brought to the fol-text is a model of discourse, and its properties as parts lowing characteristics:

are transferred to the whole and vice versa. Therefore, 1) language compression (compression of a cer-considering the text, we also study the discourse, in tain material):

turn, the study of discourse without reference to the text

 use of attribute phrases (quality improvement,