Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 68

will not be possible.

productivity increase, etc.);

The scientific type of discourse, on the other hand,

 replacement with infinitive constructions or

which is part of the scientific system, is a difficult cog-

subordinate clauses (energy, companies supplying etc.);

nitive structure based on the relationship reflected in the

 use of phrases with prepositions (the first step in

language between our view of the world and the repre-

finding solutions, etc.);

sentation of this view in the language, and therefore is a

 use of application phrases (In four cohorts, sci-

constituent element of the general system. Also, the

entists stated that…, etc.).

scientific type possesses a number of its own constitu-2) formality: use of formal or neutral vocabulary

tive, system-forming features that distinguish it from (discuss vs. talk about, have a look at vs. examine, etc)

other types of discourse.


Since the beginning of the 21st century, English has

 use of formal grammar (impersonal: there / it as

advanced to the role of a universal intermediary lan-a subject);

guage - linguafrank - in politics, economics, education,

 use of indefinite constructions instead of affirm-

and in global scientific discourse. To strengthen the ative ones (modal verbs: may /might; verbs: seem to /

position of the English language as the main means of appear; adverbs: possibly / probably; etc.);

information exchange in the modern world, as well as in

 use of the passive voice as impersonal construc-

the scientific field, several factors work - political, cul-tions (some facts should be imposed..., etc.).

tural, economic, etc.

3) rating (tendency to more use of nouns in compar-

The functional specifics of the English-language

ison with the verbal parts of speech);

scientific discourse are effectively studied in the works 4) connectivity (lexical and grammatical relation-of many Russian and foreign linguists. Thus, E.

ships) [5]:

Koyalan and S. Mumford in their works emphasize that

 reference (pronouns replacing or pointing to

writing academic articles in English for non-native

other words or parts of the text);

speakers of this language culture can be particularly

 ellipsis (omission of a word or phrase under-

difficult due to serious differences in the traditions of stood from the context);

scientific thought design[1].

D. Bieber and B. Gray, who are also involved in the

Substitution (replacing a word or an entire