Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 69

development of this problem, refute complex stereo-

phrase with a language unit similar in meaning);

types and the prevalence of structures in the RussianUnion connection (unions serve not only to con-

language scientific discourse and emphasize the preva-

nect the relative clause with the main, but also indicate

lence of concise structures, for example, phrases with a

the type of connection);

nominative structure. They believe that “scientific prose

lexical coherence (the use of synonyms and words

that are close in meaning, as well as generalization and



Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.

 objectivity (impersonal manner of presentation

and the scientific style at the scientific level of generali-of the material);

zation. At the same time, the style of scientific discourse

 hedging (mitigation of the response, hidden ex-

is meaningfully aimed at identifying the semantic struc-

pression of the author’s opinion) through:

ture of the multidimensional space of scientific speech,

• modal verbs expressing probability, resolution,

determining units of analysis of the semantic structure ability (can, might), necessity, obligation (had better, of a scientific text, and also analyzing the language of have to, ought to), prediction, will (would, shall);

design and presentation of scientific knowledge.

• adverbs expressing certainty (certainly, in fact),

Certainty and clarity in the scientific discourse is

probability (apparently, perhaps, possibly), attitude

obtained by using the terms that arise carriers and cus-

(amazingly, surprisingly), approach (according to, gen-

todians of certain information in the field of scientific erally, typically);


• pointers of many (all, most, many, some, certain,

Perfect verbs are rarely used, often in steady turns etc.);

(we prove, we consider ...; what ...; we will do conclu-

• complex sentences using verbs expressing the re-

sions; we will show by examples, etc.). Such forms of lation (It appears that, It might be suggested that ...), the verb are used without the subject, are used to call the

adjectives expressing the relation (It may be possible to

interlocutor for joint action and sounds with a kind of obtain ...), nouns expressing the relation (It could be the

incentive intonation, and in this regard they are often case that ...);

perceived as special forms of imperative mood, for ex-5) limited expressivity: