Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 84

A sufficiently large number of potential buyers due

with each other, but with other large companies. Reject

to the unpredictable behavior of the tenge and the mar-

traditional marketing for two reasons:

ket as a whole postponed the purchase until a later date.

1) not all potential customers in the automotive

They monitor the market situation, compare offers, wait

business of Kazakhstan and other countries use the Infor lower prices. The other and most part turned to the ternet. Refuse this audience is not worth it.

secondary market, as prices there are much lower.

2) traditional marketing, despite its low efficiency,

Creating a trusting model of communication with

allows giving a chance for the first contact with the cli-

the consumer, necessary to attract attention, allows the ent, but only for the first. This may be an advertisement

client to be interested and establish a dialogue with him.

in a newspaper or on television.

Various blogs, forums, social networks are tools

Many experts in the automotive marketing market

through which you can effectively establish contact with

believe that the future lies in online advertising. This is

customers. Such communications provide loyalty and

the context, teaser ads, colorful articles on thematic re-allow you to receive feedback from the consumer, as

sources, as well as communication with the audience

well as prepare them for communication with the seller,

through social networks. The client has become more

thereby increasing the chances that the customer will protected from offline advertising, as she has already purchase a car. Car holdings, dealerships, and car ser-largely outlived herself. Old formats work much less

vice centers have corporate sites, but besides them there

efficiently. New effective offline formats have not yet should be a blog or forum where company employees

been created, which is not surprising, since the main could communicate with the client, emphasizing the

emphasis is on virtual space, where everything is much

benefits of buying their car and using only their ser-simpler, faster, more mobile.

vices. This is becoming increasingly popular, as it is


1. Car marketing: key features of the domestic car market [electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://www.drivenetwork.ru/articles?id=1 (accessed: 12/04/2016) 2. Abramova, V.I. Management and Marketing: Textbook / V.I. Abramova. - M.: EC RIOR, 2009 .-- 161 p.