Интернаука №16 (часть3) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 83

tion, and partly the effect of the EXPO.

among Kazakhstanis reigns supremely in this segment.

The total turnover of new passenger cars, according

The segment is growing quite well due to the effect of to statistics, increased in 2019 by 31% and amounted to


Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 3, 2020 г.

about 426.5 billion tenge. At the same time, in kind, the

very convenient, you can agree on everything without

growth is more modest by only 6% to the total number

leaving your home. Thanks to the video channels, you of cars sold about 49 thousand units.

can clearly show the available car models, their equip-In order to understand the depth of the fall of the car

ment and service nuances. It is very important to select

market, we recall that at the peak of its volume in 2013,

the right and necessary “content” for your sites so that it

almost 163 thousand new cars were sold. Those. the fall

meets the preferences of customers (questions raised,

was almost three times. The main factors that caused comments, frequency of publications, terminology and

this crisis in the auto market were:

slang).Next, you need to pay attention to when the cus-

 Devaluation of tenge

tomer calls, then comes to the service center, he wants

 Drop in oil prices

to continue communication at the intramural level, that

 Decrease in the solvency of the population fol-

is, the human factor hiding earlier behind the monitor lowing this

will manifest itself more than ever.

 Increase and introduction of taxes and fees that

The time of traditional marketing is not over, de-

increase the cost of acquiring a car registration.

spite the decrease in the effectiveness of direct advertis-

The state is trying to revive this market and promote

ing, but it is already coming to an end for a business its growth by supporting local automakers and preferen-such as car dealerships, and even more so car services.

tial car loans on the model of the Kazakhstan assembly.

This can be explained by the fact that in our time people

But global factors, expressed primarily in the fact that deal with a huge amount of information and pay atten-the new car for most Kazakhstanis, have become more a

tion to the brightest, loudest messages. As well as car luxury than a means of transportation.

dealerships compete for consumer attention, but not