Интернаука №16 (часть1) 2020 (Журнал «Интернаука») - страница 32

men. Control group consisted of 29 healthy people, the average age is 30.97 ± 0.89 years, men 65.51%. The study pro-20

Журнал «Интернаука»

№ 16 (145), часть 1, 2020 г.

tocol included the information on the presence of reflux symptoms, dyspepsia (postprandial and painful), sleep disorders at the time of the examination, and, also before the detection of CVH. The level of depression was determined using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HDRS-21). Indicators of the degree of activity of the hepatic process were transaminases ALT and AST.

Results. The depression was detected in 85.03% of patients with CVH, versus control group - 13.79%, p <0.001.

Heartburn, epigastric pain, symptoms of postprandial dyspepsia were less prevalent before detection of CVH (7.48%, 18.37%, 38.78%) than after detection of CVH (23.13% p <0.001, 53.37% p < 0.001, 66.67% p <0.001). The prevalence of these symptoms was higher in depressive patients with CVH (26.40%, 39.20%, 72.80%) versus non-depressive ones (4.55% p <0.001, 13.64% p <0.01, 31, 82% p <0.001). Difficulties with falling asleep, restless sleep, and early awaken-ing were experienced mainly by patients with CVH with depression (72.80%, 59.20%, 22.45%) and less often in its absence (50.00% p <0.05, 9.09% p < 0.001, 0% p <0.01). The frequency of these symptoms was comparable among patients with CVH with varying degrees of hepatocytolysis.

Conclusions. The fact of detection of CVH is able to cause psychogenic depressive reactions, which, due to the somatisation process may manifest as symptoms of reflux and gastric dyspepsia, and also lead to various sleep disorders. The frequency and severity of these symptoms did not depend on the degree of activity of the hepatic process.

Ключевые слова: хронические вирусные гепатиты, соматизация, гастроэзофагеальный рефлюкс, функцио-

нальная диспепсия. нарушения сна.

Keywords: chronic viral hepatitis, somatization, gastroesophageal reflux, functional dyspepsia, sleep disorders.


данный симптом является ситуационно обусловлен-

Среди клиницистов гастроэнтерологов широко

ным (высокие темпы жизни, напряженный график

известен тот факт, что хронические гепатиты вирус-

работы, отсутствие отдыха, неадекватное питание,

ной этиологии часто отличаются бессимптомным

подверженность стрессам и др.) или же причиной

течением. Вместе с тем при наличии жалоб они не

усталости является вирусный гепатит. В этой связи,