Мотив Второго пришествия в современной русской фэнтези (Хоруженко) - страница 13

13. Slovar’-ukazatel’ syuzhetov i motivov russkoy literatury. Eksperimental’noe izdanie [Dictionary Guide of Plots and Motives of Russian Literature.Experimental Edition]. Novosibirsk, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academyof Sciences Publ., 2003. 243 p. (In Russ.)

14. Tatarinov A. V. Vlast’ apokrifa: bibleyskiy syuzhet i krizisnoe bogoslovie khudozhestvennogo teksta [The Power of an Apocryphal Work: A Biblical Plot and Crisis Theology of the Artistic Text]. Krasnodar, Mir Kubani Publ., 2009.712 p. Аvailable at: zar-literature.ucoz.ru/texts/tarinov_a.v-vlast_apokrifa.doc (accessed 17 May 2017). (In Russ.)

15. Chepur E. A. Geroy russkoy fentezi 1990-kh godov: modusy khudozhestvennoy realizatsii. Avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk [The Hero of Russian Fantasti cFiction of the 1990s: The Modes of Artistic Implementation. PhD. philol. sci. diss. abstract]. Magnitogorsk, 2010. 23 p. (In Russ.)

16. Chepur E. A. The Types of Characters of Russian Fantastic Fiction of the 1990s as the Embodiment of the Predominant Directions of Spiritual Search]. In: Problemy istorii, filologii, kul’tury [The Problems of History, Philology, Culture].Moscow, Magnitogorsk, Novosibirsk, 2010, vol. 3 (29), pp. 187–194. Аvailable at: http://pifk.magtu.ru/doc/pifk-03-2010.pdf (accessed 17 May 2017). (In Russ.)