Аллен Гинзберг в переводах Михаила Гунина (Гинзберг) - страница 9

young boys met naked recently in bed, crowds surprised to see each other,
innumerable, intimate, exchanging memories
"He taught  me  to meditate,  now  I'm an  old  veteran of the  thousand day
retreat — "
"I played music on subway platforms, I'm straight but loved him he loved me"
"I felt more love from him at 19 than ever from anyone"
"We'd lie  under covers gossip, read my  poetry, hug & kiss  belly to  belly
arms round each other"
"I'd  always get  into his bed  with underwear on  &  by morning my skivvies
would be on the floor"
"Japanese, always wanted take it up my bum with a master"
"We'd talk all night about Kerouac  & Cassady  sit Buddhalike then  sleep in
his captain's bed."
"He seemed to need so much affection, a shame not to make him happy"
"I  was lonely never in  bed  nude with anyone  before, he  was so gentle my
shuddered when he traced his finger along my abdomen nipple to hips- "
"All  I  did was lay back  eyes closed,  he'd bring me to come  with mouth &
fingers along my waist"
"He gave great head"
So there be  gossip  from  loves of 1948, ghost of  Neal Cassady commingling
with flesh and youthful blood of 1997
and surprise — "You too? But I thought you were straight!"
"I am but Ginsberg an exception, for some reason he pleased me."
"I forgot whether I was straight gay queer or funny, was myself, tender and
affectionate to be kissed on the top of my head,
my forehead throat heart  &  solar plexus, mid-belly. on my  prick,  tickled
with his
tongue my behind"
"l loved the way he'd  recite  'But at my back allways  hear/ time's  winged
chariot hurrying near,' heads together, eye to eye, on a pillow — "
Among lovers one handsome youth straggling the rear
"I  studied  his  poetry  class, 17 year-old kid,  ran some errands  to  his
walk-up flat,
seduced me didn't  want to, made  me  come,  went home, never saw  him again
never wanted to… "
"He  couldn't  get it up but  loved me,"  "A clean old man." "He made sure I
came first"
This the crowd most surprised proud at ceremonial place of honor —
Then poets  & musicians — college boys'  grunge bands — age-old rock star
faithful guitar accompanists, gay classical conductors, unknown high Jazz
music composers, funky trumpeters, bowed bass & french horn black
geniuses, folksinger fiddlers with dobro tamborine harmonica mandolin
autoharp pennywhistles & kazoos
Next, artist Italian romantic  realists schooled in mystic 60's  India, Late
Tuscan painter-poets, Classicdraftsman Massachusets surreal jackanapes
with continental wives, poverty sketchbook gesso oil watercolor masters from