Т. 2: Стихотворения 1985-1995. Воспоминания. Статьи. Письма (Чиннов) - страница 170

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Croft L. The Method of Madness in a Poem by Chinnov // Slavic & East European Journal. 1973. Winter. Vol. 17. Nr. 4. Pp. 408-413.

Dictionary of International Biography. International Biographical Centre. England , Cambridge , 1977. Part 1. P. 147.

Glad John. The American Chapter in Russian Poetry // Russian Language Journal. Num. 106. Spring. 1976. Michigan State University , East Lansing , Mich. Pp. 174-177.

Glad John. Russian Poetry Since the Revolution // Anthology «Russian Poetry: the Modern Period» / Ed. John Glad & Daniel Weissbort.

The University of Iowa Press, Iowa City . Pp. 1—111.

Glad John. Foreword // Чиннов И. Антитеза. Birchbark Press, 1979.

Glad John. Chinnov Igor // The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet Literatures. Vol. 4. USA , 1981.

GuenterJohannes u. Die Literatur Russlands. Stuttgart : Union Verlag, 1964. seite 222.

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Moderne Weltliteratur seite 1954 / Herausgeber Wilpert & Ivar Ivask. Stuttgart : Alfred Kroner Verlag, 1972. Seite 714.

Montgomery Linda Merrick. The Early Poetry of Igor Chinnov. Cornell University , 1972. Pp. 1-20.

Morrison R.H. America 's Russian Poets. Ardis /Ann Arbor, 1975. P. 72.

Rannit Aleksis. Towards a Definition of Poetry // Russian Literature Triquarterly. Nr. 3.1972. P. 349.

Rannit Aleksis. Interview// Webster review. June. 1975. Nr. 4. Pp. 26-31.

SilbajorisRimuydas. Igor Chinnov. Metafory // Books Abroad. Vol. 44. № 3. Summer 1970. University of Oklahoma , Norman, Okla. P. 504.

Terras Victor. Игорь Чиннов. «Метафоры» // Slavic & East European Journal. Vol. 15. Nr. 1. 1971. P. 81.

Terras Victor. Игорь Чиннов. «Партитура» // Slavic & East European Journal Vol. 15. Nr. 4. 1971. Pp. 511-512.

Terras Victor . Foreword // Чиннов И. Антитеза. Birchbark Press, 1979.

The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet Literatures / Edited by Harry B.Weber // Academic International Press, 1981. Vol. 4. Pp. 87-90.