Homeopathic Reference Books
Boericke, William, M.D. Pocket Manuel of Materia Medica with Repertory. 1927. Reprint, Santa Rosa, California: Boericke and Tafel. This is an inexpensive book with good remedy descriptions. A good place to start with a materia medica. See also Phatak.
Clarke, John, M.D. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. 3 vols. 1900. Reprint, Essex, England: C.W. Daniel and New Delhi: B. Jain, 1991. This is an excellent materia medica from a master of the past century. Dr. Clarke gives great information on remedy sources as well as very good remedy descriptions.
Kent, James, M.D. Repertory of The Homeopathic Materia Medica. Reprint, New Delhi: B. Jain, 1986. All modern repertories are based upon Kent. This book is inexpensive and a great place to start; many practitioners still use Kent's repertory as their primary resource.
Phatak, S.R. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicmes. New Delhi: Indian Books and Periodicals Syndicate, 1977. This repertory is small and inexpensive and based upon Boericke, with Dr. Phatak's additional hints. A good introductory materia medica.
Phatak, S.R, A Concise Repertory of Homeopathic Medicines. 1982. Reprint, New Delhi: B. Jain, 1991. Dr. Phatak's personal repertory is based upon many years of practice. This is a wonderful book for acute symptoms, though it has great information for practitioners as well.
Tyler, Margaret. Homeopathic Drug Pictures. 1952. Reprint, Essex, England: C.W. Daniel, 1989. Dr. Tyler provides excellent pictures of remedies and highlights from the provings. Very good overall descriptions of remedies.
Vermeulen, Frans. Concordant Materia Medica. Haarlem, The Netherlands: Merlijn Publishers, 1994. This materia medica7 though expensive, is a great compilation from several authors, beginning with Boericke.
Yasgur, Jay. Yasgur*s Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference. Greenville, Pennsylvania: Van Ноу Publishers, 1998. An indispensible resource that assists tn understand ing the older medical terms encountered in homeopathic study.
Homeopathic Theory and Principles
Close, Stuart. The Genius of Homeopathy. Reprint. New Delhi: B. Jam, 1996. Dr Close practiced and taught m the early 1900s. This book is based upon numerous lectures. It has a lot of very insightful information, and it provides a good overview of the homeopathic method.
Hahnemann, Samuel. Organon of the Medical Art Edited by Wendy O'Reilley Translated by Steven Decker. Redmond, Washington: Birdcage Books, 1996. See next entry. Organon of Medicine. Translated by Jost Kunzli, M.D., et al. London: Gollancz,