Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 115

Tris glanced at Vahanian and Cam. "You're supposed to be guests. What are you doing out here?"

Jonmarc shrugged. "We were with Carina when the page sent for her to look after Kiara. Figured we'd make ourselves useful."

"We're glad to see you, but the fight's over," Soterius said. "Left the bodies back in the clearing. I can fill you in on the details once we get Tris back for his wedding."

"What about the guests? How much of an uproar is there?" Tris asked.

Jonmarc grinned. "Carroway caught news of it at about the same time we did-don't know how, but he beat us down to the courtyard. He and Crevan engineered an impromptu concert in the great room and sent pages round to gather the guests with news of music and plenty of food. Kept gawkers out of the courtyard and away from the windows. It's early enough that I'm betting most of them

aren't out of bed yet, after how much ale they drank last night!"

Tris grimaced. "The last thing we need is a major incident with a house full of royalty. As it is, I've got my hands full explaining this to Donelan-and Kalcen, too, I'll wager."

"You'll have more to explain if you're late for your own wedding," Jonmarc observed. "How about if we get you back there, and worry later."

TRIS, JONMARC, CAM, Soterius, and twenty of the soldiers rode back at full gallop, while Harrtuck and the remaining guards stayed behind to clean up the battlefield. To Tris's great relief, the bailey was quiet when they arrived. Tris dismounted, and fell.

"I can recommend a good healer," Jonmarc remarked dryly as he helped Tris up.

"If we bind up the ankle, maybe I can get through this without everyone knowing," Tris grumbled, accepting Jonmarc's help to get across the courtyard. "I'm not bleeding, and the bruises won't show."

"You have an odd way of getting ready for a wedding."

Tris shot him a sidelong glance. "Oh really? What about you? Are congratulations in order yet?"

"Nah. We didn't want to steal your big day."

"I hope your day is less eventful than ours is shaping up to be." With Cam and Jonmarc's help, Tris made it up the back stairs, out of sight of the partygoers. He was not surprised to find Carina with Kiara, nor to see that Donelan and Kalcen were in the sitting room. Tris's dogs padded to the door, following him into the room, nuzzling close as if they sensed that something was wrong.

"Tris! Thank the Lady you're safe!" Kiara rushed over, then stopped and took in his torn clothes and his injured leg. Carina bustled closer with her healer's bag. Jonmarc helped ease Tris into a chair as Carina reached for his boot and gentled it off, revealing a badly swollen ankle.