Dark Haven (Martin) - страница 99

"The day I took the throne I struck down the law that kept you from coming home," Kalcen said, seeking forgiveness in the ghost's eyes. "It was too late for you. But it will never'tear another family apart. And now, because of you, because of Kiara, Eastmark is looking outward, taking a role among equals in the Winter Kingdoms. I believe it was the Lady's hand that brought you to Isencroft," Kalcen said. "I only wish She.had allowed you to see what good became of it."

"I'm only dead-not truly absent," Viata said, reaching out to touch Kalcen's face. "I've watched you grow to be a man-and a king. I am very proud of what you've done. I wish I were among the living. But you'll always have my love."

The ghost faded from view and Tris relaxed, letting out a deep breath as he lowered his arm and opened his eyes. Kalcen stared at him. "So it is true. The mage heir of Bava K'aa. Even in Eastmark, we knew of her power. I'd heard the stories about your magic, but I didn't dare believe-until now."

Tris smiled.. Kiara moved next to him and slipped an arm around his waist. "Nothing I conjure up surprises Kiara anymore," Tris said. "She's gotten used to it by now."

"Thank you." Kiara gave him a squeeze. "I didn't mean to pull you away from more important things."

"You got me out of that interminable receiving line-that was good enough for me."

"If you're not anxious to go back immediately, I have another favor to ask," said Kalcen.

"Glad to do it-we still have half a candle-mark before the ball, and I think I've shaken every hand in the kingdom."

"Donelan has asked me to forgive an old death warrant, one my father wrote during the Troubled Times. I'm willing to do so, but first, I would look on the man before I pardon him."

Kiara and Tris exchanged glances. "How can I help?"

"I would appreciate your introduction to Jonmarc Vahanian."

"I'll be glad to take you to him. Probably best that way-Jonmarc's reflexes are pretty

fast, and I'd hate for him to guess wrong about your intentions." Tris kissed Kiara's hand in parting, wishing for a more private goodbye, then he led the way to the corridor. Guards fell into step behind them-both his own bodyguards and Kalcen's. The hallway was crowded as servants bustled with last minute preparations and guests hurried to their destinations. Tris hoped that Jonmarc hadn't already gone to the ballroom, and was pleased to hear a response to his knock at the door. Tris positioned himself so that he would be the first thing Jonmarc saw as the door opened.