Крах США. Вторая гражданская война, 2020 год (Читтам) - страница 15

After independence was gained, the 13 states reformed as a single constitutional republic in order to form a more powerful central government, and for resisting anticipated British counter attacks. The constitution was primarily inspired by the Romans, who our founding thieves and slave drivers esteemed. The founding Americans esteemed the founding Romans because the Roman aristocrats were slave drivers and plantation owners exactly like they were. Our founders decided that they had to solve the same two primary problems the Roman establishment faced — preventing internal revolts by slaves and peasants in order to more freely murder and rob their neighbors before their neighbors could murder and rob them.

Thus America was hatched, and like a baby alligator it began devouring everything in its vicinity exactly as planned. The military line of least resistance led us straight West. Unfortunately for the rest of the world the vast abundance of this conquered territory has been entirely gobbled up, hence the desperate assault on overseas oil fields. Unfortunately for America, the military expense of plundering foreigners is getting to be more than the market value of the loot.

America does not have any actually history because every major event was the outcome of manipulation of us by the establishment in London. The London puppet masters always manipulated both sides of every dispute here in America. Currently, they select the candidates of both major political parties, and we are therefore effectively under total control of the London establishment. As a result of this total control, America is certain to continue looting the globe until we cross some line and we provoke a serious shooting with either Russia or China or both. American military officers may step in and demand that our politicians stop this insanity, but even if they do they will not be able to stop the ongoing economic crash. That will set the stage for the most bizarre civil war ever in human history.

Meanwhile, our glorious imperial legions are being blasted into mincemeat and radiated by depleted uranium, thus guaranteeing by design that any sane guaranteeing of our military officers will be unable to stop the chaos and coast-to-coast butchery of our second civil war because they will have no army at all. The military forces of all empires are always constructed primarily for shaping internal events. In our case, that means they must vanish, so they were sent to the other side of the globe to catch Osama bin Subcontractor. Mr. Subcontractor is a fictional creation that the magicians at the Tavistock Institute pulled out of a hat. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Council for National Policy, the Bilderbergers, the Pilgrims Society and Zionists beyond counting have all agreed that our military must not come home until they catch Mr. Subcontractor. Mr. Subcontractor (who is either dead or vacationing in Switzerland) must be carted back to Rome and dragged in chains down Pennsylvania Avenue. It's all a circus for the peasants. It's all TV rubbish meant to camouflage the utter destruction of our military, followed by a catastrophic civil war here.