The cost of vengeance (Glenn) - страница 26

“She got a record?”

“Bad checks,” Sanchez said.

“So what do we have? We got two women: one gets dropped here and the other is taken by three people to the drug house, and they kill her there. A few hours later, three people, and I’m thinking that we’re talking about the same three people, get dropped at the drug house.”

“They take Lewis there; question her. She does or doesn’t tell them what they want to know and they kill her. Their people come after them, and in retaliation, they kill Damson, King, and Bradshaw.”

“I’m willing to go along with the first part: Damson and her people kill Wooden and kidnap and kill Lewis, but there’s more to it. What was this about? And who are our shooters?”

“We don’t have a lot to go on.”

I started the car and drove off. “Maybe I’m trying to read too much into this.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean this could be the same as every other day, dope dealers fighting for turf, bullshit.”

“If what the old man says is true, that’s been a good spot for them for years.”

“I need to know who was supplying Damson, and who would want to take over that spot,” I said and headed for the station to dig a little deeper.

What I found was more dead-ends. Chris Beck was murdered on the yard two weeks after he got to prison. Bryce Tyler disappeared from witness protection over a year ago. The only person I found that I could talk to was Nina Thomas, Copeland’s old girlfriend. It was a long shot, but maybe she could give me something to go on; ’cause right now, I had nothing.

Chapter Seven

Rain Robinson

The first place I went was to a little bar up on the avenue, where Jay Easy and his crew used to hang out. The last time I was there, I walked out with that nigga on my arm so I could kill him. He had sent people to rob my dope spots and kill my dealers. “I thought we had something. I was ready to do life for you. I gets out and come lookin’ for my woman, and you play me off for this nigga,” Jay Easy said to me that night.

“So you decide to start robbin’ me?”

“I still got all the dope and the money. After I’d shut you down I was gonna step to you and give it all back.”

“Bullshit! After all this shit, you was just gonna hand it all back to me?”

“Yeah. I wanted to show you that you needed me in your life. Not this nigga! He can’t do the shit for you that I can.” He just didn’t know. Nick had done more for me and to me in a week, than he did the whole time I knew him.

I parked outside the spot and I knew that if his crew was there, they wouldn’t be glad to see me. I checked my weapon and went in, thinkin’ that maybe I should have called Nick and asked him to ride with me on this. But he would be mad ’cause I wasn’t in bed restin’ like he’d told me to, and I didn’t feel like hearin’ his mouth.